Mental Health

By Destiny Flanders
June 8, 2023

While mental health is becoming more talked about out in the world, I think it should be more talked about in our school environment. We acknowledge that nowadays being a teen is hard—with the pressure of school, college, planning for the future, home problems and sometimes just dealing with your own personal life. Multiple aspects of your life can be affected, including your education.

Mental health problems among students are increasing. According to the CDC in 2021, 42% of students felt persistently sad or hopeless and 22% of students considered attempting suicide, which has most likely increased by now. Mental health isn’t just about anxiety and depression. Mental health also includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being. 

I think it's important for teachers to realize that as young adults we’re all going through things. If we start to slack, don't just lecture us on how bad we're doing and how we need to do better—but maybe ask if there's anything else going on and please be a little more considerate and understanding about our problems.

Here are five ways to improve your mental health:

Finally, be patient with yourself. Learn to welcome and love all parts of you. It will be a journey, and it won't be easy, but in the end it will be worth it. 

In the next article we will discuss why teens experience things like depression, anxiety, and more.