For 2022, Wellspring is putting a focus on those living with cancer in our growing Niagara 2SLGBTQ+ community!

New members are always welcome and they can register for Wellspring and our programming online at

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out directly at or 905-684-7619.

2SLGBTQ+ representation is forefront in all aspects of society today. These representations are prevalent in media, public personalities, politics, sports and workplace dynamics. Despite this positive shift, there is still much about 2SLGBTQ+ topics that is unknown, resulting in the existence of homophobia/transphobia and hate crimes.

How do we support our family and friends who are struggling with coming out or want to transition? How can we educate our children to become more understanding and supportive of the 2SLGBTQ+ community? Through an interdisciplinary focus, this foundational certificate will begin to answer these questions and more by allowing students to better explore and challenge the histories of sexuality and gender normativity across multiple political, legal, workplace, artistic, literary and cultural contexts.

Camp Rainbow Phoenix has reached capacity for in-person camp for 2022 but still has openings for virtual camp for youth 12-17. Click the link below to see more information or to enroll.

If you have any further questions please connect with the camp team at