Reclaim Our Vote

Reclaim Our Vote has sent more than 10 .4 million postcards to voters for voter registration, Permanent Early Voting List, Pledge to Vote and GOTV. Our postcard campaign has expanded to from 800 postcards a week to 500,000 postcards per week.

We have developed our own line of racially-inspiring postcards and provide them at a reasonable price through our on-line postcard store.

We have created training videos and a large collection of of other information writing postcards to under-represented voters.‍

Visit our postcard store:

We have specialized in remote voter outreach since 2016. We began phone banking in 2016 in Virginia and in 2017 worked the Virginia state elections as well as the Alabama Special Senate election. In the Alabama campaign our volunteers made 43,000 phone calls to the Alabama Black Belt in nine days; 85% of the people we called in Alabama voted.

1.3 Million Calls for November 3rd: In 2020 we called eight target states (Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Texas). We offered office hours twice a week to provide training for new phone bankers and/or postcard writers. Every Tuesday we ran a National Phonebank to give phone bankers the opportunity to be updated on what happened last week, share tips and tricks and get inspired about making calls to our voters.

Georgia Project: We invested in browser dialing and have reached out to more than 275,000 Georgia voters.

In March 2020 we rolled out our own Text Per Cent program which allows us to send text messages for 1 penny per text rather than 10 cents. We incorporated our automatic "Vote Center Finder" which we believe has created a "best of breed" program.

We sent more than 3.4 million texts for the November 3rd election.