Penn Valley Music

Welcome to Penn Valley's vocal music site!

5th Grade Chorus rehearsals are on day 5. We are preparing for our annual performances!

Holiday Sing: Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Spring Concert: Thursday, April 7, 2022 at 7:00pm - ticket information coming soon!

5th Grade students are invited to participate in CHIMES CLUB.

Chimes Club meets on day 4 during recess. We are practicing to perform songs at the Spring Concert.

4th Grade students are invited to participate in VOCAL ENSEMBLE.

Vocal Ensemble meets on day 4 during recess. We are practicing to perform songs at the Spring Concert.

Instrumental lessons are given once a week for 4th and 5th graders. Don't forget to bring your instruments and music!

Band: Day 2 and 5 for lessons; band rehearsals on day 2

Orchestra: Day 3 for lessons and orchestra rehearsal