Social Work Jobs of the Future

Click below to explore signals, possible jobs and imagine what might be coming next!   Inclusion in this list does not imply endorsement (though many would be great to see...), nor are they "predictions" in a technical sense - rather these are designed to pull at your imagination and help you consider the ways in which social work might evolve based on real news items appearing in the world right now.   YOUR ideas about which are important to advocate for and which are important to avoid are important.  

In addition to the job overview, click on the links to see what signals inspired the idea!   CHECK BACK FREQUENTLY AS NEW IDEAS ARE ADDED REGULARLY.

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Gradually, hospitals have been primarily phased out - reserved for only emergency and the most extreme health needs.  All other serious health needs are met remotely (as trends predicted over the last 20 years) at the homes of patients.  This did involve a great deal of "home well-being" coordination for those that didn't have homes or less than ideal living situations to facilitate needed treatment, technological support readiness, and healing.   Social workers are employed to specifically address the intensive coordination and home stabilization needs of persons without family and/or other means to do this on their own with special attention to reinforcing not only the physical components of "home,"  but the social and community aspects as well.   This often involves working across housing, health and other public support sectors to assure that people receive life affirming and holistic supports to regain their health.   (May 2023)   Signals here, here, here and here.   Have comments or more to contribute?  Link here.

As climate change continues, new viruses and diseases emerge with more frequency and intensity.   Special interdisciplinary community teams are needed to both help to identify causes/origins as well as new methods of preventing spread and maintaining some semblance or normal life.   Given the deep social and community dynamics combined with proliferating misinformation and politicization, social workers are engaged to help become trusted communication bridges with community members, as well as to mobilize resources needed to navigate repeating and continual mystery disease outbreaks.   (May, 2023) Signals here, here and here.    Have comments or more to contribute?  Link here.

Despite political turmoil about neglected earth-bound social issues, space colonization has become a reality and a variety of international space stations, energy and resource space cultivation, and deeper space discovery missions are a reality.    Entire diverse, communities comprised of representatives from around the world are forming in space with new governing structures that take steps beyond any known previous earth governments including an earnest international commitment to shared power and collective decision making.   Where humans form communities, they will need support and assistance in coordinating care and life challenges as well as advocating for systems to work in transparent, trustworthy and equitable ways.  Social workers engage in lifespan support, relationship cultivation, conflict resolution and life fulfillment activities to assist individuals, familiies and groups to achieve maximum well-being in new atmospheres and lifestyles alongside new challenges not known in the history of humanity.    (May 2023) Signals here, here, here and here. Have comments or more to contribute?  Link here.

After several generations of disinformation warfare, a massive global citizen science action movement has been launched by community leaders from around the world to connect everyday citizens to science in new ways.    Invested in every area of science, communities work with established scientists in partnership to forge new questions, invest in emerging methods, seek new knowledge and cultivate new approaches to engaging in science communication in ways that build trust with local stakeholders.  Specially prepared social workers are positioned to facilitate engagement opportunities among diverse community representatives and to shape the overall contours of the program.  (May, 2023)Signals here, here, here and here.   Have comments or more to contribute?  Link here.

Following unprecedented social action, resistance and activism (the fruit of generations of movement actors), as well as the national truth and reconciliation commission regarding police violence against Black Americans and other BIPIOC, Queer and other vulnerable populations, new national, Tribal and local community commissions have all formed to re-create new mechanisms of safety and support together.   These are led by combinations of policy experts, community activists, survivors of police violence and their famlies, government actors and artists.   New re-directed funding has caused housing, education, health and well-being sectors to expand dramatically and new governing arrangements to be opened to community stakeholders in partnership with traditional governing bodies - with equal say in how resources are deployed and unprecedented commitments to anti-racism and the dismantling of related systems of oppression.   The focus has been on decarcerating care for all and cultivating an ethos of community ownership.   Expanded and ongoing efforts to invite, support and construct meaningful restitution and reparations programs are led by people most impacted by legacies of police violence.  Social workers are invited to serve in these renewing and expanding systems of care, renewal and reparation from communities themselves are undergo a regular and rigorous  regular community review process to assess their capacity to work in partnership effectively.     (May, 2023). Signals here, here, here and here.   Have comments or more to contribute?   Link here.

As climate change continues to evolve, and its resultant harms to all living things, social workers around the U.S take unprecedented steps to commit to a profession-wide green commitments including pushing for funding to retrofit all buildings in which social work is conducted to the greenest possible footprint, committing to green travel approaches, utilizing methods which promote and/or reinforce green justice and climate equity, and cultivating pathways for additional funding to needs for community partners to participate in climate justice and support.  Across every type of social work specialty practice, green infrastructure is now seen as an ethical imperative, and managing the complexities and additional labor of going green is actively reconceptualized as an essential part of the social work role.     Social workers in every sector engage in green transition with particular emphasis on the fiscal, social and political aspects of change.    Signals here, here, here and here.   Have comments or more to contribute?  Link here.

In a world where increasing use of AI continues to proliferate, professional social workers engage in ethical AI governance development and admininistration - especially with regard to all kinds of uses of these technologies in contexts of vulnerable, under-served and/or marginalized populations.    This role includes such expertise areas as algorithmic auditing, public interest technology, community engagement in technological application and evaluation, skills to eradicate racism and other isms in applied tech,  and innovation regarding use of tools to solve problems communities believe are most important.  Centrally, Social Work Ethical AI Managers anticipate, interrupt and reconfigure any use of AI that is ethically problemmatic and seek new pathways to resolve emerging ethical dilemmas in partnerships with users and applications.   Signals here, here, here and here. (April, 2023.) Have comments or more to contribute?    Link here.

In a world where multiple, overlapping and intersecting failures of traditional democratic processes (including voting and other aspects of corruption in electoral politics), as well as shared governance at local, state and federal levels, social workers develop new democracy renewal initiatives funded by bipartisan sources to chiefly engage with disengaged and disillusioned voter groups.   These efforts work closely with historically situated voter and electoral empowerment efforts.  This initiative involves new  local community forum processes and better data collection of community attitudes/preferences to be directed more transparently towards elected officials.  Active political discourse workshops including numerous varities of conflict resolution, deconstructing political extremism and community, human rights in a real-time context,  media literacy and community well-being visioning run by social workers and other commuity leaders with the explicit goals of repairing  frayed social bonds, faith in institutions, and a vision for a renewed democratic social fabric.  Signals here, here and here.  (April, 2023.) Have comments or more to contribute?  Link here. 

As water becomes more and more scarce, new tensions, conflicts and battles emerge among community stakeholders about water availability and access.  New water rationing occurs for individuals, families and government, as well as businesss.   Social workers who specialize in community needs and issues are positioned to assure that "water equity" is assured, working in conjunction with public interest lawyers who support efforts to gain water equity.  This involves working with community leaders to advocate centrally for the rights of individuals and families in under-served communities to assert their rights, de-tangle and/or navigate emerging water control laws and regulations, and address other barriers to access to water.   Signals here, here and here. (April, 2023.) Have comments or more to contribute?  Link here.

In a world in which increasingly invasive neurotech  has become part of modern life, social work specialists have evolved to push for, create and implement policies which protect the neuro-rights of persons to maintain the privacy and integrity of their own mental space.   This includes specific protections aimed at neurotech activities including brain privacies at work, in health care, in justice and in other spaces where people are at their most vulnerable with specific attention to the weaponization of personal neural data, and building upon understandings and legacies of human rights violations of personal health or identity-related data throughout history.   Signals here, here and here.   (April, 2023.) Have comments or more to contribute?  Link here.

As ongoing genetic background technologies increase and proliferate, more and more people are "discovering" new truths about their family backgrounds which may include identifying and engaging with altogether new family members.   These processes have become so widespread that new varieties of family therapy have emerged to address the anxiety, identity, adjustment, cultural considerations and conflict issues that frequently emerge with these revalations.   Signals here, here and here.  (April, 2023.) Have comments or more to contribute?  Link here.

Following a generation of environmental degredation of individual and collective "attention ecosystem" and identification with pandemic levels of resulting attention disorders, a new channel of psychosocial diagnostic and treatment emerges to help people "heal" disrupted and low functioning attention capabilities.    Social workers rally to create new identification and treatment protocols that build in cognitive and community psychology, and dedicate themselves to founding mass, culturlly relevant, self-help communities to assist people in engaging in supportive recovery ecosystems to process, practice and participate in "focus healing."    Signals here, here and here. (April, 2023.) Have comments or more to contribute?    Link here,

In a world where abortion has been made illegal, new networks develop and grow strong in underground spaces providing safety and reproductive justice access for all.   Social workers provide committed expertise in systems navigation, trauma and social justice in these networks - assisting in all aspects of their development and operation - but always at the direction of those being served and in partnership with an array of other cross-disciplinary professional groups (lawyers, public health advocates, technology experts, and others).  Signals here, here and hereHave comments or more to contribute?  (April, 2022.) Link here. 

In a world in which communicable diseases appear with some frequency, new modes and models of quarantine evolve and appear.   These are developed in ways that uplift and center equitable sharing of the burdens of the quarantine experience, and use technology and mutual aid to offset loneliness and the meeting of central community needs.  Social workers apply their expertise in community well-being and connection, social justice and equity and creative problem solving to play key roles in the ways that future quarantine experiences play out.   Special attention paid to legacies of institutional racism and othering in the history of quarantine - and efforts to interrupt/repair this.  Signals here, here and here.   Have comments or more to contribute? (April, 2022.)   Link here.  

Due to the increasingly slow pace of evolution to meet real world/real time needs in communities, mutual aid networks continue to grow, flourish and be recognized as major locally developed, guided and operated trusted centers of information and resources.   Social workers utilize their expertise in social justice, systems navigation, and community organizing to serve mutual aid hub systems in ways that always center the voices, preferences, messages and decision-making authority of communities themselves rather than the dictates of systems and/or professionals.   Signals here, here, and here.   Have comments or more to contribute? (April, 2022.)  Link here. 

A recognition of the connection to both individual and collective grief is finally understood to be a central aspect of mental health, well-being and health equity.   In an effort to both make grieving spaces culturally safe and protected, as well as interrupt messages of personal responsibility to ameliorate or “move through” grief, new efforts blossom to invite creativity, connection and investment in “community grief collectives” and “community grief doulas” who specialize in affirming, supporting and cultivating healing and community well-being in the face of historical and current grief experiences and trauma for all. Special attention and resource allocations for communities of Color/Queer communities/Disabilities communities. Social workers evolve to take positions in the service of this mission - and assist in both administering and delivering this work in partnership with communities, and connecting this work with related social change agendas.   Signals here, here and here.  Have comments or more to contribute? (April, 2022.)  Link here.  

Youth around the world gain momentum to access political and community power and voice - fueled by outrage and frustration at an apparent lack of intergenerational commitment and commitment to future generations.    New “future generations advocate” positions become more visible in all layers of government, in business, and in many aspects of modern civic life including community collectives.   Social workers use their schools as community organizers, youth advocates, and macro level systems change to support and serve youth as they navigate complex and often unfriendly systems to their issues, and assert their agenda, preferences and demands for attention and action to protect the rights of the future of humanity.   Signals here, here and here.   Have comments or more to contribute?  (April, 2022.)  Link here. 

As disinformation - and particularly public health disinformation  - continues to proliferate, new approaches are developed to better deliver life-saving health information within culturally-specific community contexts.   Specially trained social workers working in partnership with community leaders, public health officials, and social justice activists take important roles in cultivating trusted communication networks to deliver lifesaving information in real-time contexts.   Signals here, here and here.   Have comments or more to contribute?  (April, 2022.) Link here.  

As mental health remains a persistent challenge in our changing world, research expands regarding use of psychedelic medications as treatment modalities.   Social workers become a primary specially trained set of facilitators/supports in conducting psychedelic experiences in a controlled, ethical and equitable manner.   Here's the signals - one, two and three.   Have comments or want to share more? (July, 2021)  Link here.  

As numerous new states are added to the United States, entire new state governments are formed.    Diverse community members gather to cultivate new statewide aspirations, identities and plans as collectives with many interests and concerns.   New relationships with the Federal government, positioning of new elected officials and community engagement across every civic domain are all occurring simultaneously.  Social workers lead in mobilizing a robust community engagement and participation with specific attention to deploying innovative strategies that increase authentic citizen voice and agency.   Here's the signals - one, two and three.   Have comments or more to share? (July, 2021)   Link here. 

As personal and environmental technologies expand and become even more central to modern life, families with children appeal for attention.  They request study, support, advocacy and guidance about how to balance the benefits of individual and family engagement with technology - along with the risks and the ways in which technology interferes with positive and meaningful family life.   Social workers emerge with focused and specific expertise in how to best balance and support families' identities, needs and aspirations - with special attention to issues of equity and equal access to the resources that technology brings, as well as the harms that may be experienced.  Here's the signals - one, two and three.   Have comments or more to share? (July, 2021)   Link here.   

As racial justice reparations activism and programs continue to expand, social workers will be engaged to help to work with communities to structure systems and deploy funding.   Social work will only be able to do this after its own deep self-critical work and evolution regarding a history of white supremacist complicity.  Here's the signals - one, two and three.  (June, 2021) Have comments or more to contribute?   Link here. 

In this future, the elder care crisis is averted through rapid deployment of elder-care robots.  However to really get acceptance of them, there are huge investments in cultivating receptivity, personalizing and making sure that authentic needs are met.  Social workers are deployed to engage with this process and provide a bridge between the technology and the people using it in personalized ways.  Here's the signals - one, two and three.  (June 2021).   Have comments or more to contribute?  Link here.  

After years of developing neurotechnological implants particularly used in the military, it was discovered that there were additional and vastly more complicated issues of safety and well-being when soldiers returned to civilian life.   Specially trained social workers were involved in their rehabilitation and complex emotional and social readjustment needs following surgical removal of and/or disconnection from the implants/technology.   Here's the signals - one, two and three.  Have comments or more to contribute?  Link here.  

In this future - there are many ways to live forever.   People may need assistance navigating this complex environment.  Surprisingly - this feels like a future that might be closer than we think - upload your brain to the internet anyone?    Here's the signals  - one, two and three.   (March 2021)  Have comments or more to contribute?  Link here. 

In this future, with space travel expected to increase - for individuals, families - even whole communities...the need for special kinds of supports to help with adjustment between worlds will be needed.  Here's the signals one, two and three.  (March 2021).  Have comments or more to contribute?  Link here.

Families often feel helpless when their family member becomes immersed in political or religious cults.   As people feel more helpless, they may turn more to sophisticated but dangerous groups.  There will be a need for specially trained people to assist in getting them out.   Here's the signals one and two. (April 2021).  Have comments or more to contribute?  Link here. 

When algorithms are everywhere, what will the future look like?  (Maybe that future is already here...).  What if there were specially positioned review panels/boards/collectives that had legal right and authority to review key algorithms that operate in both private and public life?  They would specialize in anti-racist technology accountability.  This is a future we'd like to see (and soon).   Here's the signals one, two, three and four.  (June 2021). Have comments or more to contribute?  Link here. 

Imagine this:  Following years of successful traditional justice system deconstruction and abolition, there was an abundance of unused prison space available.  Social workers became specialists in working with communities to repurpose these valuable sites to meet emerging and positive needs.   Signals one, two and three.  (June, 2021). Have comments or more to contribute?  Link here. 

After ongoing years of climate warnings - the heat acceleration in most parts of the world required new response and safety systems.   Communities of Color and poor communities bear the worst of heat trends - while "climate gentrification" persists among those with he means to escape the heat.  Social workers rapidly expanded into new forms of expertise to make sure that cooling technologies, resources and energy were equitably accessible.  Signals one, two, three and four.  (June, 2021). Have comments or more to contribute?  Link here. 

In this future, we reach a point where the number of social media accounts belonging to dead people far outnumber their living counterparts. Social workers specially trained in social media literacy, digital legacy, and grief become a resource for family and friends to coordinate virtual profile burials and services. These Digital Death Coordinators advocate for clear post-life policies and account settings from social media companies on behalf of the dead. Digital Death Coordinators help grieving family and friends navigate the options for account closure, preservation or memorial.  Here's the signals - one  and two. (June, 2021). Have comments or more to contribute? Link here.

As social media continues to proliferate, the number people behind the scenes who perform the essential service of content moderation increases dramatically.  These people perform sensitive work that often exposes them to images and content that is known to be psychologically damaging, and continually reveals some of the worst behaviors and expressions of humanity.   Because of their numbers, they gain increasing power through labor organizing to insist on specific and specially tailored widespread mental health supports focused on prevention of problems as well as interventions when damage does occur.  Here's the signals - one, two and three.   (June, 2021). Have comments or more to contribute?  Link here.

As ecological devastation continues on earth, even with increasing efforts to mitigate or slow the impacts, more and more people are experiencing significant mental health challenges as a result of dealing with numerous eco-related issues.   Among them: persistent and regular ecological disasters and instability as well as intensifying uncertainty regarding ecological well-being, and loss of cherished ecological beauty and sanctuary.  These losses and burdens have fallen harder on marginalized communities.   Social workers develop a speciality to provide adaptation mental (and physical) health supports as well as engagement and partnership opportunities in activism specifically related to climate preservation.   Here's the signals - one, two, three and four.   (June, 2021).  Have comments or more to contribute?   Link here.

As a reaction to growing numbers of displaced climate disaster survivors and the formation of massive tent cities (AKA Hardenvilles), the US Government created the Migrant Development Department. Fearing that Hardenvilles would become sources of rival political power and social unrest across the nation, the MDD created policy which essentially designates climate refugees as a nomadic workforce: guaranteeing temporary housing and a fixed wage for migrants on the condition they comply with all assigned labor deployments and relocations. Through the MDD, Climate Migrant Resettlement Counselors run group therapy sessions to integrate newly-arrived migrants into the local migrant community and provide basic mental health resources to those struggling with eco-PTSD, eco-grieving, and other eco-traumas. Climate Migrant Resettlement Counselors manage individual caseloads and are expected to match migrant clients with employment opportunities - either in-city or ex-city - and explore temporary housing options in the target location. To navigate the vast network of information required to meet the needs of the climate refugees, Climate Migrant Resettlement Counselors quickly built interorganizational, intermunicipal, interstate, and occasionally international online databases to better manage the 'climagrants.'   Here's the signals - one, two, three and four.  (June, 2021).  Have comments or more to share?  Link here. 

As calls grow to not only reform government, but transform it, more and more people seek to become involved in democratic processes.   New commitments are made to inclusion and justice in increasing  the number and diversity of community voices.    Expansive, purposeful and creative methods, that both respect and celebrate community identity, histories (of oppressions and liberations) and aspirations expand.   Formerly "wicked problems" are more solvable and disruptive solutions emerge. Bridges between social movements (on racial equity, and other pressing social justice issues) and the government structures they seek to reform/transform are created.  Social workers increase their presence and effectiveness serving in these spaces.  Here's the signals - one, two, three and four.   (June, 2021).  Have comments or more to share?   Link here.

Two forces have driven a need for new ways to manage personal identity - increased identity theft and manipulation and increased migration from sectors for whom legal identity confirmation is politically complex and unreliable.   The block chain identity infrastructure has grown -and given the variety of human rights issues associated with this rapidly growing practice technology, social workers emerge as a primary agent of educating people about, developing equity-centered and human rights-based guidelines for use of and implementation of broad scale utilization of block chain technology to support "identity self-sovereignty."    Here's  the signals - one, two, three, and four.   (July, 2021) Have comments or more to share?   Link here.