Welcome to
Persian Studies and Persia House
at Portland State University
Please use the form below for Donation & Membership:

Persia House Activities
Persia House is a cultural nonprofit organization at Portland State University.
The major/core activities of this organization at this time are:
Annual celebrations of Persian New Year in March and Thirteenth-Day Outdoor Picnic in April
Rain Festival Celebration in July
Light of Friendship Celebration in October
Longest Night in December, and Discovery of Light in February
Monthly activities of the organization are Poetry Reading and Summer Picnics.
Persia House also helps Persian Studies at PSU by arranging and teaching independent classes in English and Persian throughout the year. Every year Persia House gives scholarship award to the qualified students who take PSU Persian language classes.
Persia House website: www.persia.pdx.edu and email list are always up-to-date in service of the Persian community.
For more information call (503) 725-5214 and email tehrank@pdx.edu
Persian Language Scholarship
The Persian Language Scholarship for academic year 2017-2018 is ready for students with high GPA currently studying in Persian language classes. Persia House wishes these talented individuals the very best as they pursue their goals. The successful recipients will be formally recognized at the annual award ceremony of the World Languages and Literatures Department of Portland State University. Over the last six years, eighteen recipients have received a total award amount of six thousand dollars.
Please see the scholarship form below:
Academic Year 2018-2019
Deadline May 20th 2019
Basic Requirements
Applicants are accepted from any undergraduate or graduate student pursuing Persian language studies at PSU and meeting the following criteria.
● Outstanding performance in previous Persian language studies.
● Completion of at least one year of Persian at PSU.
● Commitment to successfully complete second or third year Persian at PSU.
To apply: Please send the following:
I. A short typed statement (approx. 200 words) addressing the following issues:
1. Past and present experience with the Persian language.
2. Plans for Persian language studies for the next year and beyond.
3. Contribution of this scholarship to future studies.
II. An updated sealed transcript.
III. A sealed letter of recommendation from a Persian language faculty member.
IV. The completed application form.
V. A current photo of the applicant.
The above items must be submitted to:
Scholarship Committee
Persia House
Portland State University
P.O. Box: 751
Portland, OR 97207
Important Note: Selected candidates for Persia House Scholarship will be formally awarded and recognized at the Award Ceremony. Time and place will be announced later. Please make sure to attend this event if you are awarded.
Application form
Name: ________________________________ Student ID#:____________________________
Street Address: _________________________________________________________________
City: ________________________ State:____________________ Zip:__________________
Telephone number: ( )__________ E-mail: ___________________________________
College credits completed: ________ Major: _____________________
Name(s) of College(s) Attended: ______________________________________________________
I certify that this application and all attachments are complete and true. I hereby authorize Portland State University to furnish
copies of my academic record and letter(s) of recommendation to the Persia House Scholarship Committee. I authorize the
Persian language instructor to furnish information on academic progress to Persia House. If selected, I further authorize
release of information for publicity purposes.
Applicant’s Signature Date
PSU is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution.
Persian Culture
Persian culture traces some thousands of years from prehistoric mythic times to the present. In the course of this development from the settlement of Aryan tribes on the Iranian plateau, society developed from nomadic to settled, from religion of nature to the monotheism of Islam, and from tribal to modern representative government. The national epic chronicles the struggles of heroes from the coming of man’s use of fire and minerals, from philosophical teachings of Zoroaster, the tolerance of Cyrus and Alexander, and revival of learning. From ancient times, the concepts of Iranian morality based on triumph of good over evil and duty to right infringement of a just social order have predominated.
:بخشهایی از کارهای خانه ایران در پرتلند
گرد هم آیی برای شعر خوانی ، جشن با شکوه نوروز، سیزده بدر، تیرگان، مهرگان، شب یلدا و سده
پیک نیک ها ی تابستانی ، کلاسهای مخصوص آموزش فارسی و انگلیسی برای دوره های ابتدایی، متوسطه وعالی بوسیله استادان با تجربه دا نشگاه
Dear Friends and Members of Persia House and Persian Studies,
Thank you for your prompt replies to our announcements.
For Persian and English Independent Studies based on student need and his or her convenient time during Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer Terms,
call (503) 725-5214 and email tehrank@pdx.edu
Persia House Mission
Persia House is a nonprofit and nonpolitical organization for public benefit. Contributions and donations to Persia House are the main source of income. The membership is voluntary and consists of U.S. residents, 18 years of age or older, who desire to support the advancement of Persian community education and abide by the Persia House Bylaws, the primary purposes of which are:
1) To share with the community the appreciation of Persian culture through lecture series, seminars, poetry readings, television and radio interviews, film showings, performing arts, musical recitals, art and book exhibits, and electronic communications.
2) To provide and support Persian and English language instruction in particular and Persian studies in general, to children and adults.
3) To promote, encourage and foster the charitable and educational interests of the Persian Community by organizing seasonal and traditional events such as Nuw Ruz, Sizdah Bedar, Tirgan, Mehrgan, Yalda, Monthly Poetry Reading and Sadeh.
4) To assist youth and honor the elderly by providing scholarship and recognition to talented individuals who distinguish themselves through service to the community by furthering the knowledge of Persian language and culture.
5) To establish contact with similar organizations, social and educational institutions and news media for the purpose of increasing understanding between the Persian community and the society at large.
A History of Persia House

دوستان و اعضای محترم خانه ایران
گرد هم آیی برای شعر خوانی
For Persian and English Poetry Reading Class
at Portland State University
email: tehrank@pdx.edu and call 503-725-5214.
Persian Scholars and Scholars in Persian Studies
This website and its links are provided for the public benefit. Persian Studies and Persia House hereby disclaim any and all responsibility for any errors contained within, for information contained on any linked sites, and for any incidental or consequential damages resulting from the use of this site.
Last update: September 2022. This page is maintained by Kazem Tehrani and is always under construction.
Please be sure to bookmark it.
Portland State University
Post Office Box 751
Portland, Oregon 97207
If you would like to receive information about Persian community
events in the Portland metropolitan area, send an email
to tehrank@pdx.edu and call (503) 725-5214.