Young Oon Kim

"Fulfill your responsibilities with creativity, persistence and passionate love for life."

Dr. Young Oon Kim was the founding spiritual inspiration of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) in America, bringing the movement first to Oregon and eventually to the entire US. Her vision and dedication, self-sacrifice and love influenced thousands to pursue a religious life. Dr. Kim's writings inspired many more to pursue a spiritual life centered on God. These works included athree-volume study on World Religions and four books on Theology along with extensive inter-faith work.

Dr. Kim is best known as a writer and teacher. For thirteen years she taught theology and world religions at the Unification Theological Seminary in Barrytown, NY. She published nine books in her active career, many listed as required reading even to this day. While her classes were always well attended by the seminarians, Dr. Kim was often sought out not for her academic knowledge of but for her deep understanding of spiritual truth -- a pursuit she dedicated her life to first understanding and next bringing to the world through her writings and teaching.

"If you have a burning desire to love others, you will have discovered the secret of radiant living. If you cultivate that kind of faith, then God can entrust you with any kind of mission." 

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