The Hambleton Project

The Hambleton Project—Portland’s Lesbian Cancer Support Network—was a grass roots organization that provided services to Oregon women living with cancer and other life threatening conditions from 1997 to 2007. For ten years, this active volunteer base of women offered direct client services, education, and advocacy to any woman seeking assistance. The range of services included free transportation to medical appointments, house and pet care, grocery shopping, yard work, and other similar direct services. They also provided a free support group for both the client living with cancer and her partner and family members as well as a bereavement group if the client did not survive.

A big effort launched by the organization was the education of lesbians about the importance of early detection and treatment. This goal was addressed primarily through health fairs, Pride Celebration booths, and educational forums presented to the public. This generally underserved population was urged to take appropriate measures to be sure that they sought the services they needed to confront this health problem.

One of the major avenues through which the Hambleton Project advocated for lesbians with serious health conditions was through a training program called “Removing the Barriers.” This training developed by the Center for Disease Control was directed at health care professionals and addressed the specific concerns and needs of lesbians seeking medical care. These workshops were offered at schools of nursing, statewide conferences, the Oregon Health Department, and through Portland Community College.

Sharon Hambleton first conceived the Hambleton Project after she received support from a similar organization, the Mautner Project, in Washington, D.C. during her fight against ovarian cancer. Although Sharon did not survive to see her dream come to fruition, her partner, Lorie Hansen and longtime friend, Carol Brownlow, established the Hambleton Project in memory of her. Over the course of its existence, the Hambleton Project enjoyed the support of hundreds of volunteers and the financial backing of many organizations such as the Susan G. Komen Foundation, Pride Foundation, Equity Foundation, and many private donors.

It is to this selfless cadre of supporters that the Walk of the Heroines memorial is dedicated. Their tireless efforts made a difference in hundreds of lives and lightened the burden of the women facing this difficult challenge. Our thanks to each and every person who contributed in any way, large or small.

Written by Dr. Carol J. Brownlow

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