Ruth A. Bakke 

Born in Norway Valley, Alberta, in 1918, Ruth A. Bakke was the seventh of ten children. She learned to share as an infant when her nine-day-old cousin lost his mother to the influenza epidemic and Ruth’s mother had to feed both babies. Growing up in the rugged landscape of eastern Alberta, Ruth was always working, helping with siblings and farm chores. At fourteen, Ruth left home to work as a nanny to help support her family. She moved to Bellingham, Washington, when she was 17 and continued to work as a caregiver. A few years later she met her husband, Aadne, and moved to a farm in rural northwest Washington to raise her family. Ruth filled those years with the hard work of a farm wife and mother of six children. She was very active in her church and community, developing her innate skills as a cook, hostess, and friend to those in need.

In the 1960s Ruth and her husband moved their family to the Skagit Valley where Ruth entered the restaurant business. Ruth was known throughout the region for her warmth and hospitality, as well as her fabulous soups, breads, and cinnamon rolls, all prepared with Scandinavian flair. She always enjoyed entertaining and would think nothing of inviting 40 or 50 people over for dinner. At holidays, family members always knew they could invite extra guests because Ruth couldn’t bear the idea that people without families would be left alone. Her warmth and cheerfulness always made strangers feel they were part of the family.

After several decades as a restaurateur and caterer, Ruth entered the real estate business. She found success in this business because of her unselfish, caring spirit; many people were able to achieve the dream of owning a home because of Ruth’s persistence and selfless efforts. Ruth continued in real estate after the death of her husband in 1989, working with her daughter until retiring at the age of 89.  Ruth maintains a positive, optimistic outlook on life, looking for the good in each situation and always being willing to give to those in need. She gives full credit to God with one of her favorite Bible verses, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.”

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