Rachel White Gallagher

Born in Portland, Oregon, Rachel White Gallagher grew up in a poor and very broken home. Having suffered emotional, physical, and sexual abuse at a very early age at the hands of her father, she uses her testimony to minister to women all over the world. Even as a small child and while the abuse was going on, Rachel sensed that there was a God who cared for her and was protecting her.

Raised by a single mom, Rachel quickly acquired a powerful understanding of the strength and impact she had as a woman. Choosing against all odds not to remain a victim of her circumstances, Rachel allowed God to heal her and give her the fortitude to become a woman of influence. She now teaches women and children to allow God to use their brokenness for His glory and that they really are diamonds in the making if they only allow the Father to mold them into His image.

At the age of 19, Rachel responded to a call to participate in a short-term mission trip. She quickly caught the mission bug, traveling throughout Central and South America and Mexico over the next few years. These first experiences working in some of the neediest areas of large cities and rural areas, deeply impacted Rachel. She determined then that she would use her education, gifts, talents, and experience to give back to a world in need. Feeling an inner calling to help the poorest of the poor throughout the world, Rachel quickly responded to opportunities to travel and serve overseas in some of the most impoverished nations of the world.

Rachel attained a Bachelor's in Nursing from Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and went on to gain invaluable experience working with children in Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Units in the USA. Using her vacation time, she sought every opportunity to travel overseas and use her medical skills in combination with ministry gifts. Working in Calcutta, India with Mother Teresa in the Homes of the Dying and Destitute in 1995 was a significant milestone in her life, solidifying the calling she felt to work overseas with the poorest of the poor.

Married in 1999 to David Gallagher, Rachel went on to serve with her husband in ministry, traveling to Manchester, England. During this time, they felt led to go to South Africa to visit an AIDS Village. Having been to Africa once before, visiting Kenya on a medical and evangelistic outreach, they began to feel that God was drawing them to back to Africa in a more significant way. It was in Manchester that the vision to start an international ministry focused on children and medical assistance began to form.

In 2003 Rachel, along with her husband David, founded Open Arms International, a ministry dedicated to relieving suffering through word and deed, reaching those who might otherwise be forgotten. Working in India, Rwanda, Uganda, Mozambique, and Kenya, Rachel has made a significant impact in the lives of thousands of children who have been orphaned and abandoned by opening her arms to receive them and provide comfort to their needs. Recently, Rachel has been spending most of her time throughout the year living in Eldoret, Kenya where she is overseeing the development of the Open Arms Village for orphans whose lives have been impacted by HIV/AIDS. Her work in Kenya also includes directing medical camps throughout the year in slum and rural areas, assisting children through educational sponsorships, and providing feeding programs in slum areas and for children living on the streets of Eldoret town.

Concerned about every child's future, Rachel's desire has been to work within the community and with its leaders to obtain sustainability through education, community development and partnership. Rachel has established strong initiatives to lead this generation and future generations of children to serve with integrity and impact their nation in a powerful way. She believes that these children are the future of the nation.

Rachel's dream since childhood has been to be the "hands and feet of Jesus." She is passionate about seeing others have the opportunity to come to Christ and become whole, and she is full of compassion for the weak, the poor, the destitute, the oppressed and the vulnerable. She has a particular gift with children and is known as "Momma" to many children throughout Africa.

Honored by Mission Increase

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