Marietta Vergeer

Areas of Achievement:


Who was Marietta Vergeer? The neighbor who invited a frightened woman she didn’t know to spend the night in her apartment. The patient who almost died of heart failure, but thought to thank doctors and nurses with big bouquets of flowers and who sent love and good wishes to all the other patients on her floor. The vivacious woman with sparkling brown eyes who graced friends and acquaintances with her enduring smile and generosity of spirit. The polio victim who gave to others with no trace of bitterness about what the disease took from her. The funny, spirited friend who could rise above almost any circumstance with courage and humorous insights. The hostess who warmed your heart with a thoughtfully prepared meal and good conversation in the flickering candlelight. A compassionate volunteer who cared for the needs of children. A loyal and appreciative daughter, sister, and friend. A sailor who always thrilled to the experience of wind and water. The beautiful person who never lost her sense of wonder or appreciation for the natural world around us.

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