Karen Ruth Holmes

Karen Holmes was a superhero. Not the fantastic Green Lantern, Aqua Man, or Wonder-Twin variety, but the real-life kind. A modern day superhero. Madre was simply the best. She made our world safer, richer, more colorful and showed us all how to live with passion, flavor, and panache. One of her mottos was everything should be “Fun and Delicious.” Laura Kay, Timm Flintoff, and Kari Boiler have built this shrine in honor of their mother. 

Karen Holmes was a loving wife, super cool grandmother with super cool hair, a loyal friend, aunt, and sister, and the most wonderful mother. She loved the outdoors and was an avid walker, cyclist, swimmer, skier, explorer, photographer, gardener, nurse, traveler, adventure, and climber. She adored the arts, painting, theater, traveling, and loved to read. A yogi-sensei-enthusiast, CEO of all non-food production for White Hat Catering, Web Designer, OMSI Volunteer, and SMJC Board Member, Karen was clearly a giver and full of curiosity.

Madre could and did overcome some of the most incredible obstacles in her life. She got through them all making her a stronger better person. She never spoke down to or bad about anyone. She taught us, her children, that family is important and to do your best and by all means, to be happy. 

She taught us and everyone she touched that life is an adventure and to look forward to the journey each day. She was rediscovering her Jewish heritage and spent time as a board member for the SMJC. She let us know that everything has many ways of looking at them and not to take things too seriously, therefore not to stress out over something that is out of our control.

She loved to dream and often thought she could really truly fly when she a little girl. She loved to live and experience new things. She was always glowing and smiling. She would never let anything slow her down. She could break a leg and keep on moving, sprain her wrist and keep on biking. She was not one to complain, only to seek what journey she would be on next. 

Written by Laura Kay, Timm Flintoff, and Kari Boiler

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