Frances Petschek

Frances Petschek is being honored by SisterSpirit as the leader of many croning ceremonies and other rituals for our Women's Spirituality group here in Portland. The Croning ceremonies are especially important to us as a rite of passage for women who are reaching the age of wisdom.&

Here is what Fran says about Croning: "I enjoy croning ceremonies as it is a way to honor mature women in a society that demeans us. This ceremony is a rite of passage to usher women into the age of wisdom. This ritual complements the one for the 1st menarche ceremony when we usher a girl into womanhood.

In addition to her service in SisterSpirit, Fran was a member of WILPF (Women's International League for Peace and Freedom) in Portland and worked on several committees to present current issues. She served as co-chair of the Portland WILPF with Pat Hollingsworth. Also in Portland, she worked at a center for the mentally handicapped, and at a home for abused women and children.

In Ashland, Oregon, she was co-founder of the Ashland Branch of WILPF, and served as its President for 2 years. She worked on many peace issues, and led the Environmental committee dealing with many Rogue Valley matters. She served as the Tuesday Coordinator for the Ashland Food Bank.

Fran resided in Argentina for 23 years and raised 2 daughters there, becoming bi-lingual in Spanish and English. She taught 6th grade and kindergarten in a Shanty Town, and served on the committee to choose the 1st Argentine Anglican Bishop after Canterbury declared Argentina a separate Diocese.

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