Cathy Guinn Rudd

The most satisfying experience of my life has been watching our two children (now adults) grow up in this complicated world we live in.  They have enriched me beyond words, each and every day, stretching me to my limits patience wise, in compassion and most importantly in happiness.  Because of this, I am truly grateful to them and my husband.

In addition to raising our family, I have enjoyed the leadership that came through OHSU Women’s Health where we have begun to forge new paths in medicine, health and healing. Most importantly, I have enjoyed implementing the Mind, Body and Spirit fundamentals, which has been proven to be almost more powerful than medicine itself in some cases.  I am a founding member of the Circle of Giving at OHSU.  Through our leadership, annually we grant money to medicine and research helping women of all races and ages.  What a joy to see the smile on a researcher’s face when we present the check to them and they realize their project can now go forward.

At Oregon State University, I am on the board of the College of Health and Human Sciences Resources where we are studying people from birth through the elderly.  We are initiating new programs and services to better their health.  An exciting experiment we are demonstrating is a helmet fitted to shield out the sun and let the heat stay in on our soldiers in Iraq.  The helmet should also help against injury when a soldier is hit by metal due to almost daily bombings throughout the region.

Most satisfying was volunteering in our children’s schools both at St. Pius X and Jesuit.  The community was like none other and I would not have traded it for the world.  Because of that experience I was able to partake in our children’s lives and meet life long friends.

In summary, I want to honor my relatives who came before me and set such a great example of how I should live my life.  My mother and grandmother set the pattern and I hope I have been able to do the same for my son and daughter and future grandchildren.  We should all embrace the good in each other and spread happiness to others.  If we all find a kind deed to do onto others, I cannot help but think our world would be a better place.

Pay it forward, that’s what I believe in.

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