Ann Mincey

"Everything is perfect and I'm grateful."

My first major challenge was having to overcome a speech impediment as a child and all that came along with it, ridicule from friends and teasing from family. To think that it's been my life's work to be a professional public speaker is truly a miracle.

Resilience followed two marriages and divorces -- two men who were unfaithful caused my self-esteem great challenge; for many years I lived in the lie of comparisons, always comparing myself to other women and coming up short. The ability to have a stable and long-term relationship was a challenge, to believe I was worthy of one man's love and to be willing to commit myself without fear of rejection has been a major stumbling block in having a full and complete life as wife and companion, partner and homemaker.

As a long-time Redken 5th Avenue employee the acquisition by L'Oreal in 1993 was a major shock; followed six months later by the 6.8 Northridge, California earthquake which was centered 5 miles from our company offices and my home -- the devastation of destruction and the eventual move to New York City as a result was an out of body experience for one full year.

Witnessing the second World Trade Center tower hit and the burst of fire that it produced, was excruciating to my emotional and physical self. It took nearly 3 years to discover the impact it had on my psyche and the effect on my desire to take care of myself as I had done so methodically in the past.

As the granddaughter and daughter of a minister, the Bible and its truths have been a part of my being as I was being formed in my mother's womb. Growing up on the church pew every time the doors were open was our life and I'm grateful for those experiences, as fishbowl and microscopic as they were with our lives always in the judgment seat, the expectation of never settling for anything lower than the highest was seated deeply in my heart and mind from early on. My first conversion was in vacation bible school when I was a child. Then again a rededication to Christ as a teenager at youth camp. Throughout my schooling at a church-related college and into my adult life I was always devoted to my faith and to living a Christ-centered loving life.

When I took my job with Redken and was divinely led to a scripture verse in Luke 4:17, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me for He has appointed me to preach good news to the poor; He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted; to uplift the downtrodden; to set free the captives and give sight to the blind. To preach the acceptable year of the Lord." I knew I was called to ministry; however I never dreamed the ministry would be the professional salon industry. My faith in my calling to bring good news to salon professionals has never wavered in over 30 years. It's as true today as the day in Portland, Oregon that I found that scripture.

It takes about 45 minutes per day for me to prepare myself physically from the time my feet hit the floor out of bed, until I turn the doorknob to leave my New York apartment for the office or for the airport. I was devoting literally no time to dressing my heart, mind, or emotions in the morning. I began to realize that I was figuratively leaving my home naked in all those areas and leaving myself vulnerable to the attacks of the demands of people and situations of the day.

I began to devote 5 minutes, then 10 and now more each morning to daily devotional readings, inspirational music, journal writing and prayer. When I'm running late and am tempted to skip my practice until later, I'm nudged by God's Spirit to do it now. Behind schedule one morning I heard the still small voice urging, "If you'll take time for me, I'll make time for you." I sat down, took my time in devotion and when I looked at the clock, it was as if no time had passed. A miracle.

Throughout the day when I'm conscientiously aware of the blessings -- some may call it serendipity or coincidence -- that God allows me to experience, I'm grateful in the moment. I believe an ongoing attitude of gratefulness is the single most important value I can express and it reflects in a healthy heart, immune system, liver and pancreas. Being willing to be forgiving in the moment when I'm impressed to either forgive others or seek forgiveness from another would be the other major spiritual tradition that is especially meaningful.

Returning to church as often as I can on Sunday mornings is a promise I've made to God. When I'm not traveling and working, I find myself in worship, a wonderful tradition that fills my emotional and spiritual bank account so I can go out the following week and give from a place that is rich and full. I love the great hymns based on scripture. They've sustained me throughout my life.

The childlike faith that I was introduced to when I was a girl is still as fresh and elementary as it was then. When Jesus said, "Unless we become as little children, we won't enter into the Kingdom" to me means we continue to be amazed at the goodness He has for us; we won't become hardened, cynical or doubtful in our hearts. I want to always have the "wow" factor when it comes to His goodness and blessings in my life and the lives of those in my circle.

This doesn't mean that I am childish. St. Paul said, "When I was a child, I spoke like a child and understood as a child, but when I became a man I put away childish things." Same for me. When I became a woman of spirit I put away the childishness fear of being concerned of what others would think if I declared my spiritual beliefs; rather than it being a deterrent from my work and influence in my industry, I believe God has given me an authentic boldness to speak the truth as I've lived it, and it's been applauded by the major recognition and awards that the beauty industry has so generously bestowed upon me.

My faith inspires me when I listen to and act upon the still small voice, the Spirit urging in my day-to-day decisions. I've come to know that voice and trust that He is leading me into my truth, and upon that truth I can be confident and secure.

My faith strengthens me when I find myself involved in a myriad of activities that take me to people and places -- physically draining and emotionally riddled would I be if I didn't ask for the strength that is promised and I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. There is literally power and energy that is poured through my breathing, cells, tissues, organs, bones that allows me to do the work on sometimes little sleep, irregular diets and unfamiliar surroundings, both here in America and around the world.

My faith sustains me by the assurance that all things are working together for good to those who love God and are the called according to His purposes.

My mantras are in any situation, whether clarity or confusion. Everything is perfect and I'm grateful. This is the best thing that could've ever happened and "it's all right, it's all right, it's all right." Because I believe that my life is in His care and that He truly cares about me and all my affairs, I then must believe Him 100% that everything that is happening is for my good and His greater good. In this I rest.

Honoring Acknowledgement: Ann Mincey is honored by Chris Vandehey and the Interfaith Friendship Garden Committee for her decades of dedication to helping salon professionals excel in their craft and bring integrity to their lives and businesses. Ann inspires the beauty industry to seek a higher level.

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