Connecting to COP28

An online portal for citizen observers of the 28th Conference of the Parties

2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference

30 November - 12 December 2023 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Important Questions About COP28

The UN climate process comes with lots of actors, places, dates, initials, technical terms, decisions, and documents.  This can be confusing even for those with experience with the process.  

This page is intended to help you with some background to make sense of all this.  Each of the sections below comes with a summary and links to useful information.  Click on the question you are interested in to find this information.

Quick Overview

In November of this year the international community will meet to negotiate the next stages of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) treaty.  As we approach this conference here are some important things to keep in mind about it:

COP28 takes place during a time of record greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere and increasing frequency of extreme weather events.

Opinions on the value and success of these annual conferences has been much debated.

Observers have come to play an increasing role in many of the COPs.   

What is a COP?

COP is short for Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (the latter half of this title is abbreviated UNFCCC).  These mostly annual conferences are the arena in which critical international agreements like the 2015 Paris Accords are negotiated.  

This year's conference (COP28) is slated to be held in late November in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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Who attends a COP?

Main groups in attendance

Government negotiators, registered observers representing a wide variety of groups from civil society, and support staff and volunteers attend the COPs.  Attendance at these conferences ranges from 10,000 to 70,000 people, with venues rotating between major cities in various continents.

Who SHOULD attend

The urgent and global nature of climate change requires that we increase the number of people involved with these events, lest the UNFCCC process fails because of a lack of grassroots support and involvement.  However, in practice, physically including more people at a COP is extremely difficult.   

Barriers to attending a COP

Virtual attendance

One of the outgrowths of the past three years is that virtual meetings and remote communication have become commonplace for a great many of us. 

Furthermore, many groups have also become proficient with organizing and conducting online conferences, in some instances greatly expanding attendance at annual meetings. 

This gives those of us lacking the resources to be an in person observer or a volunteer at a COP with avenues for experiencing some of the richness of these events and adding our own voices to the international arena.

🟦 Blue Zone Vs. Green Zone 🟩

Importance of the International Process 

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Import Background Leading to COP28

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Excerpt from the Letter to Parties:

Our vision to deliver on the pillars of the Paris Agreement is to focus our specific action on four paradigm shifts:

Full Letter Viewable Here

Why is COP28 important?

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What is the Global Stocktake?

COP28 will include a review of the first stocktake since the Paris Agreement.  A stocktake is a 5 year review that evaluates achievement gaps and opportunities for countries to course correct and advance climate change initiatives.  

The key areas of the stocktake are mitigation, adaptation and means of implementation (financial, technology and capacity building).  

The stocktake will also address loss and damage for vulnerable communities who do not have the resources to adapt to the consequences of climate change.

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