Grade 1 Toy Design

We met with the Grade 1 teachers to discuss the expectations, big ideas and learning goals in the Grade 1 curriculum.

We showed students a video of the LAUNCH cycle by John Spencer & A.J. Juliani

Students spoke with their teachers in class about their observations about toys.

Look, Listen, & Learn of the LAUNCH cycle

Back in the LLC, We co-constructed the Success Criteria with students and had them ask questions about toys. Based on their questions we designed a graphic organizer for them to fill out. They collaborated with their group members to answer their questions.

Ask Tons of Questions & Understand the Process stages of the LAUNCH cycle

Students worked with their partners to plan their toy design.

Navigate Ideas stage of the LAUNCH Cycle

After their plan was finished, they started building and making adjustments throughout the process.

Create a Prototype & Highlight and Fix stages of the LAUNCH Cycle

When their toys were built, they shared them in class and did their reflections in the LLC based on their success criteria

Then we recorded the student reflections on Seesaw.

What materials did you use? What energy does your toy use? What worked well? Would you change anything?