Year 6L 


Mrs Leanne Elderkamp 

Maths - TERm 1 - week

What's coming up......

Next week our main areas of focus are Prime Numbers, Squared Numbers and Cubed Numbers. We will be representing these numbers practically using cubes to help us visualise. After setting up our logins and completing our diagnostic tests, we are now be able to access SUMDOG. Sumdog is a games-based adaptive-learning app that tailors curriculum-aligned questions to each child's unique level. Feel free to access this at home - the students know their login details. 



Your SUMDOG account is now ready...login at home and practice your Maths skills!

Factors and multiples

This week we have been working with factors, common factors and multiples. We used 100 squares and built some towers to consolidate our learning.


The pillars of Ancient Greece


English - Skellig

This week, we will spend some time looking at direct speech and how authors use dialogue to convey character and advance the action. We will also revisit themes and explore examples from the text which highlight the prominent themes.


Maths - TERm 1 - week 5

We have now completed our Place Value Unit and are moving on to a longer unit that will cover addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Next week, we will be looking at Factors, Multiples and the Rules of Divisibility. Please take a look at the posters below.



In IPC, we organised important events chronologically across all three of the Ancient Greek periods. We looked at the Persian wars, when coins were introduced and when the first olympics were held. We are beginning to organise our knowledge, not only chronologically but geographically and across societies too. 


Library Time & Ancient gReek research - Sparta and Athens


Every Sunday, we spend some time in the library choosing 'teacher approved' and free-choice reading books. Today we also searched for books about the Ancient Greeks to suppliment research for our new IP topic. We have been finding out about and comparing and contrasting 2 city-states - Sparta and Athens.


Seesaw will be our new school communication Application, it will replace the class pages and will provide an opportunity for students and teachers to share learning with you, it will also be used as a messaging service and will enable parents and teachers to engage in dialogue. We will provide more information in the coming weeks on how parents can use the application.

We are currently introducing it in school and ensuring all staff are familiar with Seesaw, our next step will be to load student profiles on the system this will enable us to communicate directly with parents and provide relevant information. Our target launch date is the end of September for full implementation. As with all new systems, we will experience a few glitches, however the end result will be an enhanced communication system for our school.

Please see the data privacy information in the link below and confirm  if you are happy for you and your family to use the application:

PDO School Seesaw Consent 

Tim Robinson



class parent rep for 6l

I am looking for some 'Class Parents' to represent 6L this year. Please send me an email if you are interested in getting involved or would like to hear more about it.

Many thanks, Ms Leanne


Timetable Update 


A few small changes have been made to our timetable, most notably, Music will now be on a Tuesday.



Here are the results of our IPC (new-topic) entry point. The students were given pictures of buildings that they had to reconstruct using junk. They carefully selected materials to match details on the buildings. Afterwards, they presented their work and mused about who the builings were built by and what their purpose was. These short presentations will be available on our Google Classroom.

Please find the slides from the 'Meet the Teacher' presentation in the file on the left. Thank you to those who were able to attend and I look forward to meeting the rest of you soon - all the information that was shared is in these slides, please feel free to get in contact if you have any questions at all.

Skellig by david Almond

Intoducing our new class text: Skellig by David Almond. So far, the students have been evaluating vocabulary used by the author to create tension and intrigue to engage the reader in the first chapter. 

We are looking forward to finding out exactly who or what is in the garage and why he is there!

iPC - Brainwaves

We started our IPC journey with a 2 week unit: Brainwave. We will be learning about the brain and neuroeducational research, connecting the science of the brain to the art of learning. We will be exploring ways in which we can use our brains to learn lots of new and different things every day, enabling us to gain the knowledge, skills and understanding that we will need to become successful adults. By finding out more about how we learn, and how we can improve the way that we learn, we will be better equipped for meeting the many challenges ahead of us. 

This week we became teachers and taught our classmates something new - language skills, magic tricks, drawing skills and sports skills - to name a few!

our first day

It was wonderful to welcome back our students today and we look forward to seeing those who are still on their way; wishing you all safe travels. I am looking forward to an exciting year ahead full of learning and adventure!

Specialist lessons

 Please find below and outline of our specialist lessons and days that you will need to remember extra things:

SUNDAY: Library books & spelling test day

WEDNESDAY: Swimming (swimming costume, goggles, cap, flip-flops and towel)


Please note: Tomorrow there will be no swimming but PE instead.

Timetable Y6l 2023-2024

Change to timetable

Please note, I have uploaded a new timetable as our Computing lesson will now be on a Tuesday afternoon. 

Swimming notice

Swimming will start next week on Wednesday 6th Septtember. Tommorrow, Wednesday 30th, 6L will have PE  instead, please come to school in your PE, thank you!