Class y4i 


Ms. Iftin's Email: 

important: Seesaw

Seesaw will be our new school communication Application, it will replace the class pages and will provide an opportunity for students and teachers to share learning with you, it will also be used as a messaging service and will enable parents and teachers to engage in dialogue. We will provide more information in the coming weeks on how parents can use the application.

We are currently introducing it in school and ensuring all staff are familiar with Seesaw, our next step will be to load student profiles on the system this will enable us to communicate directly with parents and provide relevant information. Our target launch date is the end of September for full implementation. As with all new systems, we will experience a few glitches, however the end result will be an enhanced communication system for our school.

Please see the data privacy information in the link below and confirm  if you are happy for you and your family to use the application:

PDO School Seesaw Consent 

Welcome to term 1!

Y4I - Timetable 2023/24


Students should be in class by 8:00am. 

Sundays: Reading books exchanged, Spelling books returned

Mondays: Swimming (will start week of Sep 3rd)

Tuesdays: PE (proper shoes/clothes must be worn)

Wednesdays: Library books returned

Hats must always be worn outdoors.


The national curriculum primary programmes of study (English and Maths) can be found here.

Week of 3/9/23 - 7/9/23

IPC Entry point

I am excited to share our Active Planet Entry Point activities. This week, they actively collaborated with other Year 4 classes on a captivating assignment.

In particular, our students were hard at work developing a comprehensive plan for utilizing our school as an evacuation center during emergencies. This task not only provided them with valuable insights into emergency preparedness but also encouraged teamwork and problem-solving skills.

It was truly inspiring to witness our young learners coming together to ensure the safety of our school community.

Y4I PDO Community Message

As part of our Entry Point, students in Year 4 collaborated to produce a PDO Community Newsflash/Message in case of an impending natural disaster (an earthquake). This video was the result of the class working together to co-create a cohesive message.


This week in mathematics, our students continued their exploration of ordering numbers up to 10,000. Through engaging activities and focused lessons, they've been refining their skills in understanding number sequencing and place value.

I am pleased to see their growing confidence in handling larger numbers, which is an essential foundation for more complex mathematical concepts.

As always, we appreciate your support in reinforcing these skills at home. 

For example: Take a set of four random numbers and ask your child to arrange them from smallest to largest or vice versa. This fun practice will not only solidify their skills but also make learning enjoyable. 



Our focus has been on enhancing our writing skills. In our narrative writing, students have learned to use speech marks (quotation marks) when characters speak. This brings their stories to life.

Connectives like 'and,' 'but,' 'so,' and 'because' have been integrated into their writing to create smoother transitions and better flow. Additionally, students have been incorporating emotion words like 'happy,' 'sad,' 'excited,' and 'nervous' to add depth and engage readers on an emotional level.

Week of 27/8/23 - 31/8/23

Class Parent: 

If you are interested in being a class parent, please send me an email at


As we wrap up Week 2 of our Brainwaves unit, we're pleased to highlight the wonderful progress made in exploring the intricacies of emotions, brain connections, and the importance of brain health.

Looking ahead, we're excited to announce that in the upcoming week, we will be embarking on a brand new learning journey delving into the theme of "Active Planet." This engaging exploration will provide students with an opportunity to discover and understand the dynamic nature of our planet Earth.


Our English journey continues with the book "Leon and the Place Between." We've been focusing on adverbial and expanded noun phrases to enhance our language skills.

Adverbial phrases have added depth to our writing by describing how, where, and when actions happen. Phrases like "swiftly soaring" and "gently drifting" have brought vividness to our sentences.

Expanding noun phrases has allowed us to create detailed imagery. With phrases like "the twinkling stars" and "a mysterious, swirling portal," our descriptions have come alive.


This week, our focus was on developing a solid understanding of place value, particularly in 3 and 4-digit numbers. We worked on identifying the value of each digit within a number and representing numbers in words, partitioning, and in expanded form.

By mastering place value, students are building a strong foundation for more complex mathematical concepts. We encourage you to discuss this topic with your child at home to reinforce their learning.


In these initial days of school, your child is immersing themselves in the intriguing Brainwave thematic unit of the International Primary Curriculum (IPC). This unit focuses on exploring the fascinating world of the brain and how it functions. Your child is learning about the different parts of the brain, how they contribute to thinking and feeling, and even how to take good care of their own brain. Through fun activities and engaging discussions, they are discovering the mysteries of the brain and gaining a deeper understanding of themselves and their peers. It's an exciting journey into the world inside our heads! 

Week of 20.8.23 - 24.8.23

Welcome to Class Y4I Where Global Learning Comes Alive with IPC!

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Class Y4I! We're thrilled to embark on an exciting educational journey with your child, focusing on the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) and fostering international mindedness.

The IPC curriculum is designed to spark curiosity, ignite creativity, and cultivate a deep understanding of our diverse world. Throughout the year, your child will explore engaging themes that connect subjects, encouraging them to think critically and embrace different perspectives.

We believe in the power of partnership between home and school. Regular updates will keep you informed about classroom activities and your child's progress. Your involvement enriches the experience.

Let's work together to nurture a love for learning and a global outlook in our young learners. Feel free to reach out via email ( with any questions.

Exciting times await in Class Y4I!

Pick-ups & Walking/Cycling/Scooter Home

Please notify the school ( ) and myself ( ) if you are permitting your child to walk/cycle home alone OR if your child will be picked up by another adult.