Oryx Class 


Term 1 posts


Welcome to the oryx class 

Welcome to term 1!


Seesaw will be our new school communication Application, it will replace the class pages and will provide an opportunity for students and teachers to share learning with you, it will also be used as a messaging service and will enable parents and teachers to engage in dialogue. We will provide more information in the coming weeks on how parents can use the application.

We are currently introducing it in school and ensuring all staff are familiar with Seesaw, our next step will be to load student profiles on the system this will enable us to communicate directly with parents and provide relevant information. Our target launch date is the end of September for full implementation. As with all new systems, we will experience a few glitches, however the end result will be an enhanced communication system for our school.

Please see the data privacy information in the link below and confirm  if you are happy for you and your family to use the application:

PDO School Seesaw Consent 

Nut Free School

We would like to remind you that PDO School is nut free.  Therefore, please do not include any peanuts, tree nuts, or nut products in snack boxes, lunches, bags or birthday treats, or any food brought to school.  Please check any cereal bars carefully to ensure they do not contain nuts.

Thank you for your support.

shared fruit snack

Please continue to bring 4 pieces of fruit on a Sunday morning.  Remember to deposit the fruit in the boxes in the reception area.  Thank you for sending such a wide range of fruit each week. 

school hat

Please ensure your child has a hat in school so they are able to access our outdoor area.  If you don't have a school hat, please send an alternative until you are able to purchase one.  Thank you for your support.

A note on Transition in nusery

We have been welcoming lots of new children to our Nursery classes over the last 2 weeks.  This can be a tricky time, both for parents and young children.  At PDO School, we follow an induction process which aims to reduce anxiety and allows children to settle into school at their own pace.


Congratulations to Aurelia for being our Star of the Week! Aurelia demonstrated effective collaboration with her peers during play and always shows a positive attitude for learning. 

Brava, Aurelia!


Today, we had Nurse Munira come in for a visit to teach the children about washing their hands effectively. The method was simple, use the classic 'Happy Birthday' song, which offers an appropriate length of time for handwashing. Nurse Munira demonstrated different techniques during this fun educational exercise

Please ask your child to show you what they have learnt.

a color walk

In our ongoing expedition of colors, the Oryx class went on a walk in the garden to explore the various colors in our natural environment. Delicate powdery pink flowers tickled our noses whilst our curiosity grew. How many colors could we see in our natural world? During carpet time, the children shared their sightings and learnt about the correlation between colors and feelings, as colors can sometimes be used to express our emotions. Later, the children enjoyed painting on clingfilm with paintbrushes to explore this new textured canvas. 

Well done!


This week we read the classic tale, 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rohsen. The alternating black and white illustrations followed by splashes of color lent itself to a fascinating discussion: what do we see and feel when we see color? Building personal connections to the story, the children looked at their own personal photos from home and linked their own environment to the different settings in the story. The Oryxes were thrilled to retell and re-enact the story in our tuff tray using natural and loose parts alongside one ferocious bear. 

Well done, Oryx class!

everyday MATHS 

If you look carefully, Maths can be found all around us. During our morning register, the children use their own photo and a 10 frame to visually represent each classmate that is present. In our everyday routines and practices, child initiated activities such as sorting, grouping and counting are explored with counters, paper hands and pompoms in various centers throughout our day. Through play, children  practice skills, try out possibilities and discover new challenges, all leading to deeper learning.

Good work, Oryx class!

star of the week

Congratulation to Ali for being the Star of the Week! Ali demonstrated collaboration skills when he eagerly helped his peers tidy away the toys and tools in our classroom. Bravo, Ali!

Congratulations to Maryam for being the Star of the Week! Maryam is starting to gain confidence in her ability to communicate her needs to her teachers and peers. Well done, Maryam!


We always walk in school

To stay safe, we remember that running is only allowed outside!

we care and share with everyone

To stay safe, we remember that running is only allowed outside!

we always try our best

In all aspects of our lives, we try our hardest and never give up, this is how we learn and grow.

painting salt

Children enjoy experimenting through mixing colours so 'we had a go' at a unique painting activity: painting flakey salt! The children strengthened their pincer grips by dropping coloured drips of water onto flakey salt. The Oryxes had  a blast, making predictions on what colours would appear and change into after mixing.

Great work, Oryx class!




child-led play

In our Continuous Provision we provide a stimulating environment where the children have the space and time to explore their own interests. Miles and Aliza chose to build their own toy robots  whilst Maryam chose to explore mark making with colored pens.

busy busy oryxes

The children have been busy developing their fine motor skills and strengthening their finger muscles by drawing patterns in the sand, rolling and cutting play dough 'sausages' and using rainbow colored paper for mark making.

To enhance our observational, language and numeracy skills, we played a matching game and used the words 'same' and 'different' to explain our choices.


Over the next 2 weeks, we will be learning about different types of homes.  Please send in some pictures of your home (from the outside and inside).  This could be your home in Oman as well as your home in your home or heritage country.  We are interested in sharing similarities and differences and developing the concept of international mindedness. 


Please send in your child's red bag or suitable alternative on our library day.  Please return the borrowed books from the previous week. 

loose parts play

We love loose parts in Oryx class as they enhance our ability to think imaginatively and develop our sense of creativity. So today we used  these loose parts to create portraits of our family members.

Great work, Oryx Class!


The Oryx class have been enjoying their P.E sessions this week. The children have been working on developing basic locomotor skills such as running, jumping. More recently, the children have begun working on stability and manipulative skills. 

Keep up the good work!


This week, the children started on our new unit: This is Me! A unit in which children will be exploring the theme of 'Me and My world.' The Oryx class came dressed in special clothing along with a personal artefact which sparked an opportunity for each child share and talk about their interests. The children sat in a circle to discuss what they enjoyed playing with at home. 

Mark Making 

The children were thrilled to experiment with mark making this week. Mark making is a crucial beginning step before writing and composition. The children used cubby paint, pens as well as taped pens on to toy cars amongst other methods of mark making. The children were delighted to share their creations and even began to see how drawings and marks can show their ideas and feelings. 

Wonderful work, Oryx class!


Today we used a large mirror as our canvas. It was a wonderful way to give our Oryx class a new perspective on our surroundings. Children had the opportunity to share their emotions, as a class we shared the way we experienced our world. In this activity, the children were not only encouraged to communicate, but they were also introduced to new  tools and resources. The children were thrilled to see their faces and the reflections of the clouds as they painted. 


Our first music lesson was very lively. Oryx class enjoyed their session with Ms. Rachel and Mr. Alex as they danced, hopped and learnt different animal movements and rhythms, which enhanced the development of their listening skills.

Great work, Oryx class!

 a great start

Our first few days into this new academic school year has been delightful! The children are settling in nicely and adapting to new routines. Children in the Oryx Class had a great time making friends and exploring their new learning environment. They are beginning to form positive relationships with their peers and adults. 


This week we explored our own faces. We looked at our skin tone, eye colour and all of the other features on our faces that make us special and unique. We looked in the mirror and discussed our similarities and differences. Children were encouraged to describe their own features in a positive way which will later support their social-emotional skills within the class environment. 

WElcome back

It is going to be a FABULOUS year full of excitement! Your child will be learning various skills to help them expand their knowledge and deepen their understanding through play.

We are fortunate to have specialists lessons in our school, including Music and Physical Education. These lessons are all taught by specialists teachers and can often help our little ones to develop talents outside of the classroom.

We value open communication between school and home. We will keep in constant communication with you concerning the events in our classroom.

Keep watching this space to see the fun packed learning activities in Oryx Class!