Pioneer Safe Return to In-Person Instruction & Continuity of Service Plan 2021-2022

Pioneer Career & Technology Center strives to promote not only high quality education at all times. Part of high quality education is the focus on health and safety measures within our schools. Pioneer works with a variety of community partners including the City of Shelby Health Department, the Richland Public Health Department, and the Crawford County Health Department. The links on this page provide information related to the continuity of services and efforts to promote in-person instruction in our schools. While in some incidents, a plan for blended or even remote instruction may be necessary, our goal remains to have students in school on a daily basis.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, our staff has continued to monitor student needs both academically and socially and emotionally. We have developed an Extended Learning plan to address the needs that have developed. The plan was created based on collaborative input from parents and staff.

While many of these items within our Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan have been previously implemented, they still remain relevant as we move into the future. We also understand the need to continuously monitor and update our plans as needed. We welcome the input from our community stakeholders throughout this ongoing process. Any additional information that is developed will be provided on this page.

2021-2022 Health Department Guidance.pdf

2021-2022 Richland Health Department Guidance

Pioneer Restart Plan 2020-2021-Revised 10-19-20.docx

Pioneer Restart Plan

Pioneer Extended Learning Plan.pdf

Pioneer Extended Learning Plan