TN State Standards

The Tennessee Academic Standards provide a common set of expectations for what students will know and be able to do at the end of a grade for each subject area. Our state’s standards are rooted in the knowledge and skills students need to succeed in their postsecondary studies and/or careers.

The State Board of Education is charged with adopting the Tennessee Academic Standards. At minimum, standards are reviewed every six years. To learn more about the standards review process, leave feedback on the revised standards, or submit questions please visit the state board’s standards review webpage.

Core SubjectsStandards Proposed to State Board for Final ReadNew Standards Implemented in ClassroomsNew Assessment Aligned with New Standards

While academic standards establish desired learning outcomes, curriculum provides instructional programming designed to help students reach these outcomes. Districts should locally to establish curricular programs that support student mastery of the Tennessee Academic Standards while reflecting unique community values. Instructional practices should provide each student with the best opportunity to meet these standards by supporting the learning needs of each student.

ELA Standards.pdf
Math Standards K.pdf