The PCSS Learning For All tutoring program has had a great interest in tutoring and would like to allow College of Education students headed back to campus the opportunity to apply.
The deadline to complete the 2022-23 Student Interest Form has been extended to
August 12, 2022.
In order to serve as a tutor, college students must:
Be currently serving as a TTU College of Education practicum or residency student.
Or currently serving in the Putnam County School System.
Demonstrate a desire to support the academic growth of elementary-age students
Be currently enrolled in a postsecondary institution.
Provide an unofficial college transcript.
Pass a background check.
Possess a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
How to Apply
The PCSS Learning For All tutoring program has had a great interest in tutoring and would like to allow College of Education students headed back to campus the opportunity to apply.
The deadline to complete the 2022-23 Student Interest Form has been extended to
August 12, 2022.
*For those who have already completed the student interest form, we have received your form and you do not need to fill it out again.
No late forms will be accepted.
Candidates should be prepared to upload their unofficial college transcript (as a .pdf file) or high school transcript in order to complete the application process.
Once an application has been submitted, candidates will see a pop-up that confirms they have submitted their form.
Candidates who are initially accepted to Learning For All tutoring will be notified via email and details about training will follow. Location assignments will be communicated in September 2022.
Tutoring Locations
Tutoring will be taking place at seven elementary schools in the district. Final assignments will be communicated to each individual applicant in September 2022.
Schools that will be participating:
Sycamore Elementary School
Cane Creek Elementary School
Cornerstone Elementary School
Baxter Primary School
Burks Elementary
Northeast Elementary
Park View Elementary
Have questions?
Jason Stickler at
Please note that each tutor will be assigned to a specific school site in September 2022.
Prior to beginning, tutors chosen will be required to complete any onboarding requirements which includes approximately 30 hours of combined online and in-person training for reading and math. Training hours will be paid, and this prepares you for becoming a great tutor! Online training modules and in-person training will begin in August 2022. In-person trainings, the doors open at 8:30 a.m. with training beginning at 9 a.m. You're going to love PCSS's Instructional Coaches!
Tutors are expected to begin tutoring in September 2022 and report to their assigned site for the 2022-2023 fall and spring semesters, depending on the location to which they are assigned. * Please note that some applicants will have a revised schedule depending on the school assigned to, and spring scheduling will take place at a later time.
Tutor-to-student ratios will remain small. Example 1:3. and consist of a minimum total of 1.5 - 3 hours per week (30-45 minutes a day).
Schedules will vary across sites, but tutors should expect to report to the tutoring site on the day they are scheduled.