More people in Oregon have jobs than before

(JUNE 6, 2024) How many people have a job? Oregon wants to know. So the state counts them. It gives a report every year.

The state looks at adults. They are 25-54 years old. How many have jobs?

The number is very high in 2024. It is higher than before. It is the highest ever.

In 2024, 82.8% of adults in Oregon have a job.

The number was lower in 2008. The number was lowest in 2020. 

Lehner, Josh. “Oregon’s Strong Labor Market, March 2024.” Oregon Office of Economic Analysis, 18 Apr. 2024, Accessed 5 June 2024.
"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.