Team Oregon offers motorcycle training around the state

(MAY 23, 2024) Summer is almost here, and that means better weather. More people will ride bicycles. Some will ride motorcycles.

In order to ride a motorcycle on the streets and highways, riders need to get a special approval added to their drivers license. It's called a motorcycle endorsement. It shows that you know how to use a motorcycle safely.

Team Oregon has been offering classes to help prepare riders for the test. Classes are open to the public. Some parts are online, while other parts are "on-cycle". Classes are offered in many places around the state.

For beginning riders, there is a basic course that offers an introduction to motorcycling. It includes 8 hours of practice riding. It costs $229.

Team Oregon also offers an Intermediate course for those who are self-taught or who haven’t ridden in some time and are getting back into motorcycling. Intermediate training includes 4 hours of practice riding. Before taking this class, students must be able to start, stop, shift gears, and turn without assistance. This course is $199.

For endorsed riders who want to raise their skills to a higher level, Road Riding Tactics provides an opportunity to work on techniques for low-speed maneuvering, braking and cornering. The Braking Clinic refines braking skills at real road speeds. Advanced Riding Techniques is designed to refine cornering skills on the tight turns and curves of an enclosed track. The Precision Maneuvering Clinic helps riders master low-speed balance and control. The Cornering Clinic is a quick refresher of curve skills for ART graduates. Team Oregon provides advanced training programs for police motorcycle officers and private courses for clubs and organizations. The price of these courses ranges from $79 to $229.

In 1984, the first year of the program, Team Oregon trained about 400 riders. Last year, more than 10,000 students completed a basic, intermediate, advanced or 3-wheel training course to learn safe and responsible motorcycling. In its history, Team Oregon has trained more than 200,000 riders in the mental and physical skills needed to ride safely.

Team Oregon is a program of Oregon State University (OSU) College of Health. The college works together with the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Transportation Safety Office which provides direction, funding and support for the motorcycle safety program and activities. 

Information and image from
"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.