Man saves baby goose from highway

This is a gosling. A gosling is a bird. It is a baby goose.

(MAY 2, 2024) Piers Bachman lives in Southern Oregon. He drives on the interstate highway. He looks in the middle of the road. He sees something yellow.

It is a bird. It is a gosling. A gosling is a baby goose.

There are many cars and trucks. The bird cannot cross the highway. 

Piers turns around. He drives back to the bird. He takes the bird in his jacket.

Piers takes the bird home. The next day, he takes the bird to a friend's place. 

The friend has a special place for birds. The friend takes care of the gosling. The gosling learns to fly. Then it leaves.

Piers says it was a strange day. But he was happy to help.

POLLOCK , BUFFY . “Talent Man Saves Gosling from Highway Traffic near Wolf Creek.” Rogue Valley Times, 30 Apr. 2024, Accessed 1 May 2024.
Image: Photo by Radovan Zierik:

"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.