Activists take over PSU library in support of Palestine

(MAY 01, 2024)  At Portland State University in downtown Portland, some people are protesting to support Palestinians. The protestors have taken control of the library and turned it into a fortress. They started this on Monday.  They've blocked windows and doors. They have set up a medical area in case police come. They have asked for donations of food and other supplies.

The university has tried to talk with the protesters, but they won't leave. Now the university asked the police to step in. They warned the protesters that they might face serious criminal charges. 

The protesters say they'll stay until the university agrees to their demands. The protesters want the university to stop working with companies that give weapons to Israel and to ask for a stop to the fighting there. They say they won't leave until Israel stops controlling Palestine. 

University leaders are worried about safety. They closed the university on Tuesday, and classes have been canceled for at least two days. Students who live in nearby dorms were told they could move to another place on campus. 

Portland State University has a history of protests. In the past, students protested against the Vietnam War. There were also big protests in 2020 in support of Black Lives Matter after the death of George Floyd.

Similar protests are happening at other universities in the country. Students want their universities to stop supporting Israel and to call for peace in the fighting there.

Brynelson , Troy , and Alex Zielinski . “Portland State University Closed as Demonstrators Take over School Library.” Opb, 30 Apr. 2024, Accessed 1 May 2024.
Cortez, Kimberly, and Mike Baker. “In a Portland Library, Activists Fortify for a Standoff.” The New York Times, 1 May 2024, Accessed 1 May 2024.
"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.