$25,000 grant boosts safe mobility for Oregon youth in underserved area

(APRIL 18, 2024) Oregon recently received a special grant. The money will help to make walking, biking, and riding scooters safer for young people in an area where they need more help. The grant is $25,000. It comes from two organizations: the Governors Highway Safety Association and the National Road Safety Foundation.

Heidi Manlove leads Oregon's Safe Routes to School Education Program. She thinks it's very important to keep kids safe on the roads. The organization will use the money to make sure young people have better and safer ways to travel. She hope this will also encourage children to be active.

Megan Ramey works with Oregon's Safe Routes to School program. She will lead the project. She plans to create a special crosswalk and walking route in Odell. That's a small town near the Columbia River. About 3,000 people live there.

Families are excited because they want more options for safe transportation. The new route in Odell will help students walk or ride safely not only to school but also to places like the grocery store, park, and bus stop. The grant will also support a free after-school club for kids in grades 5 to 8. The club will have fun activities focused on walking and rolling adventures.

“$25,000 Grant Boosts Safe Mobility for Oregon Youth in Underserved Area.” Oregon Department of Transportation, 15 Apr. 2024, content.govdelivery.com/bulletins/gd/ORDOT-3952b16?wgt_ref=ORDOT_WIDGET_8. Accessed 16 Apr. 2024.
"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.