Oregon scientists say one person can control over 100 drones

(FEBRUARY 8, 2024) Drones are tiny robots that fly. Sometimes they are toys. Sometimes they do work.

Drones deliver packages. They help fight fires. They help people in emergencies, like earthquakes or floods. 

So scientists at Oregon State University look at drones closely. They ask, "How many drones can a person control at one time?" Their answer: over 100.

Scientists call them "swarms".  A "swarm" is a large group of things like bees. They move together. 

Scientists think that swarms of drones make work easier.  One person can do a lot of work with the help of many drones.

Lundeberg, Steve. “One Person Can Supervise “Swarm” of 100 Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles, OSU Research Shows.” Life at OSU, 5 Feb. 2024, today.oregonstate.edu/news/one-person-can-supervise-%E2%80%98swarm%E2%80%99-100-unmanned-autonomous-vehicles-osu-research-shows. Accessed 6 Feb. 2024.
photo by Karl Maasdam
"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.