Oregon teen risks life to save a baby in ice storm accident

(JANUARY 25, 2024) A brave 18-year-old named Majiah Washington saved a baby's life after a tragic incident during last week's ice storm. She witnessed her neighbors, a couple with a nine-month-old baby, struggling near a red SUV with a downed power line on it. The couple, attempting to get their baby to safety, faced the danger of the icy driveway. Unfortunately, the mother, who was six months pregnant, and her 15-year-old brother were electrocuted while trying to help.

Despite the danger, Washington, who was on the phone with a dispatcher, saw the baby still alive and decided to take action. She approached the baby carefully, avoiding the live wire, and managed to rescue the child. Remarkably, both she and the baby were unharmed. The storm had caused multiple deaths in the region due to various hazards like falling trees and utility poles.

The tragic incident occurred when a large branch broke from a tree, landed on utility wires, and pushed one onto the vehicle, causing electrocution deaths. Washington's courageous act has been praised, and the baby, examined at a hospital, is reported to be fine. The storm's impact, including snow, freezing rain, and frigid temperatures, led to more than a dozen deaths in Oregon.

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Associated Press. “Oregon Teen Saves Baby after Seeing Three Die Slipping on Ice into Power Line.” The Guardian, 19 Jan. 2024, www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/19/oregon-teen-saves-baby-portland-ice-storm. Accessed 25 Jan. 2024.

"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.


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