Sexual assault survivors in parts of Northeast Oregon may face long drives for rape exams

(JANUARY 11, 2024) Experiencing sexual assault is a devastating ordeal, and the challenges for survivors continue with the rape exam. A rape exam is a medical procedure. Its purpose is to treat injuries and gather evidence for legal action against the assailant. In rural areas like Grant County, Oregon, however, hospitals often lack trained sexual assault nurse examiners (SANEs). This creates a significant gap in support for victims of sexual abuse.

Blue Mountain Hospital is located in the city of John Day. It's the only hospital in Grant County, and it has been without a certified SANE since 2021. Instead, survivors must travel three hours to St. Charles Medical Center in the city of Bend in order to get an exam. This discourages some victims from pursuing justice. The shortage of SANEs is a statewide issue in Oregon. It affects the entire legal process and hindering the collection of crucial evidence. There are only 16 SANEs in Northeast Oregon, and only three are certified by the state. In fact, three counties have no one available to conduct rape exams.

“What happens sometimes is the victim just says, ‘I’ve had enough. I want to go home,’ ” says Debbie Morris. She is the director of nursing at Blue Mountain Hospital. “So what happens if they don’t press charges is the criminal just gets away with it.

Heart of Grant County is a nonprofit rape crisis center. It provides essential support with confidential services. It offers, for example, hotlines, shelters, and legal support. However, the lack of SANEs remains an important concern. The state's efforts to address the shortage include training programs, technical assistance, and building partnerships with the medical community. Yet, the need for additional government funding and support is critical to ensure accessible and timely care for survivors across the state.

“It’s a need,” Morris says. “We would just like to take care of our residents here and not have to have them go through that. … It’s traumatic enough.” 

Hall, Bennett. “In Some Parts of Northeast Oregon, Victims of Sexual Assault Face an Added Indignity — a Long Drive to Get a Rape Exam.” East Oregonian, 11 Jan. 2024, Accessed 11 Jan. 2024.
Photo by Artem Podrez:
"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.