Oregon grows Christmas trees -- more than other states

(NOVEMBER 24, 2023) Christmas is a popular holiday. Many people buy a Christmas tree for their homes. They decorate it for the holiday.

Oregon grows more Christmas trees than any other state. In fact, more than 30% of Christmas trees come from Oregon. That was about 4.5 million in 2020. Almost half go to California.

There are many kinds of Christmas trees. The most popular is the Douglas fir. It is dark green. The needles stick in all directions. It smells sweet.

Farmers plant new Christmas trees every year. The trees start in a greenhouse. Then farmers move them to a field when the trees are 1-3 years old. Farmers cut the trees after 6-10 years. They cut the trees in November because people start to buy them at Thanksgiving. Sometimes farmers even use helicopters to harvest the trees! Watch the video below to see.

Landgren, Chal. “OSU Research Keeps Oregon Christmas Tree Industry No. 1 in the Nation | the Statewides: Our Impact.” Ourimpact.oregonstate.edu, Apr. 202AD, ourimpact.oregonstate.edu/story/osu-research-keeps-oregon-christmas-tree-industry-no-1-nation#:~:text=Oregon%20is%20the%20No. Accessed 22 Nov. 2023.
“StackPath.” Oregonaitc.org, oregonaitc.org/resources/oregon-resources/oregon-grown-commodities/christmas-trees/.
Photo: USDA Oregon, NRCS, via Flickr
"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.