Explosive lithium batteries pose fire risk in Oregon

(OCTOBER 27, 2023) In Oregon, there is a growing concern around fires caused by lithium-ion batteries in landfills and recycling centers. Over the past three months, Deschutes County Solid Waste Director Tim Brownell has reported a troubling increase in fires. The fires are linked to lithium batteries at his county's landfill. There were 21 incidents. Previously, these battery fires were a monthly occurrence. Now they happen several times each week.

The problem is lithium batteries. These batteries can be found in various everyday items, such as cars, power tools, e-bikes, and musical greeting cards. When these batteries are damaged, compressed, or accidentally punctured, they can explode. That leads to fires. Despite their dangerous nature, many people are unaware that these batteries should not be thrown in regular trash bins. This lack of awareness has led to hazardous situations. Some examples include garbage trucks arriving at landfills with fires.

This is not just an Oregon problem. It's a nationwide issue. In 2021, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) documented 245 fires across 28 states. All of these fires were caused by lithium batteries. Some of these fires resulted in entire structures being destroyed. Recycling centers were particularly at risk. This problem is expected to grow due an increase in the market for lithium batteries. For instance, in the U.S, the demand for these batteries will increase six times by 2030.

State agencies are beginning to take action. Oregon State Fire Marshal's Office has initiated the collection of data on fires from lithium battery explosions. It believes more information is crucial to understand the issue and develop effective strategies for fire prevention. Meanwhile, Brownell stresses the importance of disposing of lithium batteries properly at landfills. He also hopes that manufacturers will take on more responsibility to address this issue in the future.

Auden Land, Joni. “Exploding Lithium Batteries Are Causing Fires in Oregon’s Landfills.” Opb, 21 Oct. 2023, www.opb.org/article/2023/10/21/exploding-lithium-batteries-landfill-fires/. Accessed 23 Oct. 2023.
Photo: Tavo Romann, CC BY 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons
"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.