Baker City man gets ticket for shooting fake deer

(OCTOBER 20, 2023) A hunter named Chase Martin got into trouble in Baker City. He thought he was shooting a big deer, but it was actually a fake deer. The police use it to catch people who break hunting rules.

The police set up the fake deer in the Dark Canyon area. It looked real to Chase Martin, but it wasn't. He shot at it when he wasn't supposed to, and that's against the law. 

The police officers arrested Chase Martin. They charged him with a small crime called "Hunting During Prohibited Hours." People can shoot deer only specific times of the year.

Sometimes, the police use fake animals like this to catch people who break the rules when hunting. These fake animals look real, and they help the police find out if someone is hunting when they shouldn't be. It's a way to keep the animals safe.

Hathaway, Joe. “Oh Deer! Baker City Man Busted for Shooting Buck Decoy.” Elkhorn Media Group, 17 Oct. 2023, Accessed 17 Oct. 2023.
Photo by Steve:
"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.