Canby School bans one book and limits others to high school students

(OCTOBER 20, 2023) Canby is a city near Portland. A few parents there complained about 36 books in its libraries. They didn't like them. They wanted them removed.

The school made a group of people with parents, teachers, and others. They looked at the books. They decided to keep most of the books in the libraries. They removed one book called Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. They also said that four other books can be read only by high school students. They didn't explain their decision.

Some students didn't like this decision. They protested. They made an Instagram page. They wanted to keep the books. 

Some people also want to know how the group made its decision. They say schools should let students read different books and not take them away.

Russell , Michael . “After Complaints about 36 Books, Canby School District Bans Just 1.” Oregonlive, 17 Oct. 2023, Accessed 17 Oct. 2023.
Photo by George Milton:
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