People ski, bike, paddle and run in this race

(MAY 12, 2023) There is an unusual race every year in Central Oregon. It's called the SELCO Pole Pedal Paddle. People ski, bike, paddle, and run. It starts at Mt. Bachelor ski area. It finishes in Bend. People compete in teams or by themselves.  

Watching the race can be hard. You need to know where and when to go. People must change from skiing to biking. They change from biking to paddling. They change from paddling to running. Those changes are interesting. They are good places to watch. The finish line is also a good place to watch. There will be food, drinks, and awards there.

The race makes money for Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation.

POLE (skis)

PEDAL (bikes)

PADDLE (canoes or kayaks)


"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.