The gender pay gap in Oregon is improving, but only slowly

(APRIL 14, 2023) Women in Oregon earn significantly less money than men. This has been happening for many years across different types of jobs. An economist named Jake Procino from the Oregon Employment Department looked at the latest federal data. He found that in 2021, women earned around $53,000 per year on average. That is only about 72% of what men earn. This means that women earned less money than men in every industry. 

Researchers have looked into why this happens. They have found a few reasons. For example, women are often working in jobs with lower wages and men are holding more higher-paying management positions. However, these reasons do not fully explain why this wage gap exists, especially since women are now earning more college degrees than men.

One big reason for this wage gap is motherhood. Women are more likely to stay home with their children, and men with children are more likely to have jobs. Women are also underrepresented in high-paying technology and science jobs. In fact, some studies have found evidence of gender discrimination. 

While Oregon's pay gap is smaller than the national average, the reasons for this are not clear. The state has passed a law to address gender pay disparity. While women make up almost half of Oregon's workforce, they are concentrated in certain industries like healthcare and education.

Women in Oregon have made some progress over the decades, but there is still much work to be done to close the wage gap. It's important for employers to recognize the value of all their workers and pay them fairly, regardless of their gender, race, or other characteristics. This will not only help to create a more equal society, but it will also benefit businesses by attracting and retaining talented workers. Ultimately, everyone benefits from a more fair and equal workplace.


Rogoway, Mike. “Oregon’s Gender Pay Gap Continues to Shrink — Slowly.” Oregonlive, 9 Apr. 2023, Accessed 11 Apr. 2023.
Photo by Magda Ehlers:
"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.