Candidates for governor talk about the growing problem of homelessness

(AUGUST 19, 2022) Oregon will choose a new governor this fall. The governor leads the state. One of the biggest issues in the state is homelessness. So Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB) interviewed the three candidates for governor. OPB asked them about their ideas to solve the homelessness problem in the state.

The three candidates for governor are:

  • Christine Drazan, who is a Republican

  • Betsy Johnson, who is not connected to a political party

  • Tina Kotek, who is a Democrat

Drazan told OPB that she would announce a state of emergency. This action would provide money for mental health services. "To solve homelessness in the long term, we have to solve our addiction crisis as a state,” Drazan said. However, this seems different than Drazan's actions two years ago. That's when she led a walkout in the state legislature. The walkout stopped a new law with money for homeless shelters.

OPB reported that Johnson said she wants to bring different people together to share ideas. However, OPB said that she often has a divisive tone. That means she causes disagreements between people. She has called people names. She has made jokes about Portland. She blames politicians for the homelessness problem. She says they are all talk and no action.

Kotek has had some success in the Oregon Legislature on related issues of rent control and zoning. But even with these things, the state's homelessness continues to grow. Kotek wants more shelters and more money. She wants the government to work with local service providers.

Election day is Tuesday, November 8, 2022.

Drake, Lauren. “Key Challenge for Oregon’s next Governor: Can She Solve the Homelessness Crisis?” Opb, 16 Aug. 2022,

Image: Ocwarner541, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons
"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.