Portland man turns Hollywood movies into cat videos

(MARCH 18, 2022) People love big Hollywood movies. People love funny cat videos. Now people can have both!

Tibo Charroppin lives in Portland. He makes videos at work. Now he also makes videos at home. He makes cat videos with his cat Lizzy.

"I had a green screen. And I had a really cute cat. And I wanted to combine the two somehow," he said. A green screen is a tool to make movies.

Together, Tibo and Lizzy make cat videos of famous movies and TV shows. One is Jurassic Park. Lizzy replaces the dinosaur. Others include Titanic, Jaws, and Friends.

Each video has a second video. The second video shows how Tibo made the first video. It is a lot of work. Treats and toys are necessary for Lizzy.

Why does Tibo do this? There are two reasons. First, it is fun! Second, he wants people to learn about cat adoption. His message is "Adopt, don't shop."

Watch more videos on YouTube.

Davis, Wynne. “Here’s How a Portland Videographer Reimagines Hollywood Blockbusters as Cat Videos.” Opb, 16 Mar. 2022, www.opb.org/article/2022/03/16/here-s-how-a-videographer-reimagines-hollywood-blockbusters-as-cat-videos/. Accessed 17 Mar. 2022.
“OwlKitty — Your Favorite Movie Cat.” OwlKitty, www.owl-kitty.com/. Accessed 17 Mar. 2022.
"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.