People can try a new Olympic sport in Oregon

(MARCH 4, 2022) The 2022 Winter Olympics are finished. The next Winter Olympics are in 2026. They will have a new sport. Its name is skimo. That means "ski mountaineering."

Skimo is a race. It has two parts. First a person runs uphill with skis on their feet. Then the person skis downhill to the finish line.

People in Oregon are trying the new sport now. For example, there was a race in February. It was at Timberline Ski Area on Mount Hood. The race was over 3.5 miles long. People first ran up 2,000 feet. Then they skied downhill. It took about an hour.

Some races are harder. People first climb 4,000 to 5,000 feet. Then they ski back down. That takes about 2 to 3 hours.

People can practice skimo in Oregon now. Then they can watch the new sport in the 2026 Winter Olympics. Those Winter Olympics will be in Italy.

“2022 Race Calendar.” SnowGoat Skimo, Accessed 2 Mar. 2022.
Patterson, Malik. “Skiers Compete in Mt. Ashland Skimo Summit.” KTVL, 2 Feb. 2022, Accessed 2 Mar. 2022.
Sadiq, Sheraz. “If You like a Grueling Uphill Race on Skis, Skimo May Be the Sport for You.” Opb, 25 Feb. 2022, Accessed 2 Mar. 2022.
Photo by Fede Roveda from Pexels
"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.