Alsea schools do not require masks; now they lose money

(JANUARY 28, 2022) Many people in Oregon are sick. They have COVID. So the state requires people to wear masks indoors. This includes schools too. Masks keep teachers and students healthy.

Some people do not like masks. They say the government should not require masks. They don't want their children to wear masks in schools.

Alsea is a community in Oregon. Its schools don't require masks anymore. Its leaders are not following the law. So the state will not send extra money for COVID.

Teachers do not agree with the school's leaders. Teachers want masks. Teachers want to follow the law. They want to have safer schools.

Schools in Alsea do not want to change. But many school workers are already sick. So students must study online for now.

Manning, Rob. “Oregon Education Officials Block Federal Reimbursements over Alsea School District’s Permissive Mask Policy.” Opb, 26 Jan. 2022, Accessed 28 Jan. 2022.
Image: Visitor7, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.