University of Oregon limits measurement of student athletes' body fat and weight

(DECEMBER 10, 2021) Sports always seem to be competitive. Athletes want to improve their performances, and teams want to win. This pressure to perform affects both professional athletes and student athletes who are still in college.

One type of pressure that athletes experience is the pressure to maintain their bodies in top condition. They need to practice their sports skills, of course, but they also need to be in good physical condition. This often means an athlete must carefully monitor things like weight and body fat.

Sometimes, athletic programs in colleges also monitor a student athlete's health. Some coaches use that information to try to motivate their students. But sometimes that pressure can lead to more problems, such as eating disorders.

In late October, the University of Oregon in Eugene decided to prohibit its athletic programs from requiring athletes to be tested for body fat percentage, according to The Oregonian Newspaper. Student athletes can still choose to be tested, but only some people can see the results. For example, the data can be shared with health professionals, but not the student's coach.

Earlier this year, six female athletes accused the university's track program of collecting too much information. Students were pressured to lower their body fat percentage through dietary restrictions. They argued that the focus on this kind of data led to eating disorders. Students can feel pressure because they often rely on athletic scholarships and competitions to remain in school.

The university says it now requires coaches to change their focus. The college says "Coaches must be careful not to suggest or require changes in weight or body composition." Instead, new rules will make some measurements optional, and that data will not be reported to coaches. There will be annual assessments for risks of eating disorders, and coaches' will never suggest or require changes in weight or body composition.

Goe, Ken. “Oregon Ducks Athletic Programs No Longer Can Monitor Athletes’ Weight, Body Fat Percentage.” Oregonlive, 2 Dec. 2021, Accessed 8 Dec. 2021.
"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.