Students at Reynolds Middle School go back online because of behavior problems

(NOVEMBER 19, 2021) Students at Reynolds Middle School in Fairview will return to online studies ... temporarily. The students will study remotely for three weeks. However, it is not because of a COVID outbreak. Instead, it is because there have been student fights and inappropriate behavior. So the school wants time to develop "safety protocols" and "social-emotional supports."

Danna Diaz is the school superintendent. She sent an email to parents. She said the pandemic and its disruptions to education "have taken a toll on the well-being of our students and staff. We are finding that some students are struggling with the socialization skills necessary for in-person learning."

Steve Padilla also works for the school district. He said it's more than just fighting. "It's disruptive behaviors as well. Students are disrupting other students, making it hard for them to learn. ... We need to take care of this now. It's urgent."

Also, the pandemic has meant teachers have had to do more than teach. Now they have to monitor safety protocols. For example, they have to make sure the students wear masks. This can lead to conflict.

During the closure, students will receive a mix of synchronous online instruction, asynchronous study, and time off from classes. Meanwhile, staff will improve security and safety. "We are working with counselors to see how we can provide more services for students and teachers, and see if we can have more staff available in the hallways, in the classrooms," said Padilla.

Some parents are not happy with another change. Some think the school should punish the students causing problems. Others think another disruption to the students' routines will cause more problems. Some parents find it difficult to again arrange child care when the parents themselves are starting to go back to their workplace, too.

Reynolds Middle School has 928 students. It will resume full classes December 10.

Green, A. (2021, November 17). Reynolds Middle School is shutting down in-person learning for 3 weeks to address student fights. Oregonlive.
Reynolds Middle School moving to distance learning for two weeks. (2021, November 17).
"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.