150 people make living art at a festival on the Oregon Coast

(NOVEMBER 12, 2021) People in Oregon hike in forests. They climb mountains. They swim in rivers. They also like to spend time on the coast.

Many cities on the coast have festivals. Cannon Beach had a festival in September. It was the Earth and Ocean Arts Festival. There were many artists. They want other people to think more about the environment. The environment is land, water, and air.

150 people worked together. They created living outdoor art. They stood together to make the shape of a sea star.

The sea star is a symbol. It reminds people of the environment. Some people call these animals starfish.

Sea stars in Oregon had problems in 2013. Changes in the environment gave them a virus. Many sea stars died. Environment change is probably the reason. Sea stars are better now. But there is still danger.

Festival artists want everyone to remember the environment. The environment can change quickly. This can hurt animals and people.

Earth and Ocean Arts Festival, September 16, 17, 18 & 19, 2021. (n.d.). Cbgallerygroup.com. Retrieved November 11, 2021, from https://cbgallerygroup.com/earth-and-ocean-festival-september-17-18-19-2021/
Kittell, J. (2016, August 10). The Sea Stars Are Back! But Don’t Get Too Excited Yet. Awesome Ocean. http://awesomeocean.com/conservation/sea-stars-back-dont-get-excited-yet/
Palenova, E. (2018, June 16). Here are 11 common sea stars (starfish) found on Oregon’s coast. Oregonlive. https://www.oregonlive.com/life_and_culture/erry-2018/06/e9bb48386b1931/here_are_the_10_most_common_se.html
Sea Star Wasting Syndrome | MARINe. (n.d.). Marine.ucsc.edu. Retrieved November 11, 2021, from https://marine.ucsc.edu/data-products/sea-star-wasting/index.html
Sea Star Success at the Earth and Ocean Arts Festival. (2021). In Hipfish Monthly. https://www.hipfishmonthly.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/1021.pdf
"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.