Oregon trees have less color this year

(October 8, 2021) The leaves on many trees change color. This happens every fall. October is often the best time to see colorful trees in Oregon. However, this year is different.

Some leaves are not changing color.

Why? Scientists see a problem this year. The problem is "leaf scorching." (To scorch something means to burn it.)

Chris Still is a professor. He works at Oregon State University. He sees two reasons for "leaf scorching."

The first reason was drought. This means not enough rain. The summer was very dry.

The second reason was heat. Oregon had very high heat this summer. It was unusual.

So many leaves will not change color. However, the bigger problem is fire. The dry leaves burn more easily.

Dixson, A. (2021, October 5). Why are leaves not turning colors this fall? An OSU professor weighs in. KVAL. https://kval.com/news/local/why-are-leaves-not-turning-colors-this-fall-an-osu-professor-weighs-in?fbclid=IwAR18tb8QJsTjffB4rzL9Wz9Z0OZbv1QyTkhLV1_HZICU_VZYzIDyYOY8eow

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