NASA scientists test new spacesuits in Central Oregon

(SEPTEMBER 24, 2021) Oregon has many different parts. It has a coast along the Pacific Ocean. It has several mountains, including Mt. Hood. There are forests, waterfalls, rivers, farmland, and even desert.

Central Oregon is unique. It has "volcanic terrain." This means the land was made by the activity of volcanoes. For example, there are lava flows, caves, and steep hills.

This makes it perfect for NASA -- the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA is the federal government's space program. It has a new program called Artemis. The program wants to send humans back to the moon by 2030.

First, however, NASA is sending its scientists to Central Oregon. They are testing new technology for the spacesuits that the astronauts will wear. (Astronaut is the name for a person who travels in space.)

Some of the new technology helps astronauts to monitor their health. It checks heart rate, for example. The new spacesuits can also provide location information.

NASA says that a trip to the moon is practice for a trip to the planet Mars.

Burns, J. (2021, September 14). NASA returns to Oregon for spacesuit testing before planned trip to moon. Opb.
New Spacesuit Technologies for Moon and Mars Exploration Tested In Oregon Where Apollo Astronauts Once Trained and Tested Spacesuits. (2021). SETI Institute.
Spurr, K. (2021, September 15). NASA tests new spacesuit technology in central Oregon. Oregonlive.
Photo NASA Haughton-Mars Project / Pascal Lee)

"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.