The history of the Benson Bubblers is an immigrant's story

(APRIL 26, 2021) Do you know the history of the Benson Bubbler?

Simon Benson is 17 years old. He leaves Norway, and he comes to the United States. Simon is an immigrant.

Simon lives in Wisconsin. He works at a store. He also studies English. He wants to make more money.

When Simon is 28 years old, he moves to Oregon. He buys a big forest and starts a business. He cuts trees for wood. Business is good.

Simon is very rich. He has a lot of money. He has a nice house in downtown Portland.

Many people work for Simon. Work in the forest is not easy. The workers are thirsty.

Sometimes the workers drink beer at lunch. Simon doesn’t like beer. He says, “Drink water, not beer.”

Simon watches a parade on the Fourth of July. He sees a little girl. She is crying. She is thirsty, but she has no water.

Simon gives $10,000 to Portland. The city makes 20 drinking fountains. They are called “Benson Bubblers.”

Today there are more than 70 “Benson Bubblers” in downtown Portland. Maybe you have seen one. But are they clean? Watch the video.

Cleaning a Portland icon. (2019, July 19).
Krause, T. (2018). An Immigrant’s Story.; Portland Community College.
Where We Live: Benson Bubblers. (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2021, from
Image: User:Cacophony, CC BY-SA 2.5 <>, via Wikimedia Commons
"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.