Community colleges in Portland area report lower fall enrollment

(OCTOBER 9, 2020) Many students must study online during the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes both K-12 (elementary and high school) students, but also students at many community colleges in Oregon.

However, remote classes on Zoom can be difficult. Some students do not have access to computers. Others do not have access to a reliable internet connection. Many share their computer or internet with other family members who also study or work online now.

These difficulties are affecting enrollment at some of the largest post-secondary institutions in the state. According to the Portland Tribune newspaper, for example, three community colleges in the Portland area saw declines in fall term 2020:

      • Portland Community College: 15.8% drop

      • Mt. Hood Community College: 17% drop

      • Clackamas Community College: 20% drop

This news surprises some people. They were expecting the opposite effect. In the past, community colleges served more students when there was a poor economy and high unemployment. They also expected some students to leave a more expensive four-year university and attend less expensive classes at a two-year college instead.

College leaders say one reason is money. Another reason, however, is that many families have children at home, too. So adult students do not have time to go to school themselves and take care of their children -- and work -- at the same time. Some people are experiencing additional stress and anxiety. The wildfires in early September also affected many people who attend these three colleges.

College leaders say things are different this year, but the colleges will continue to adapt.

Carson, Teresa. Oregon Community Colleges Report Big Dip in Fall Enrollment. 8 Oct. 2020, Accessed 9 Oct. 2020.
Image: Clackamas Community College / CC BY-SA (
"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.