You can bring the Unipiper to your street for your birthday

(JULY 24, 2020) This is Brian. He is always learning new things. He learns very fast.

Brian has a strange hobby. He plays the bagpipes. The bagpipes make weird music.

One day, Brian sees something strange in the trash. He thinks it is a bicycle. It isn’t. It’s a unicycle!

The unicycle isn’t easy to ride. It has only one wheel. There are no handlebars. There are no brakes. But Brian likes to learn new things. He learns very fast. He rides well.

A friend asks Brian, “Can you play the bagpipes and ride the unicycle at the same time?” “Yes, I think I can,” says Brian.

And he does. Brian rides his unicycle and plays the bagpipes. He also thinks of an unusual name: the Unipiper.

Brian tries to be on TV. They say no. Brian tries again. They say no again.

Then Brian wears a mask like Darth Vader from "Star Wars." He plays music from the movie. He makes a YouTube video, and 2,000,000 people watch it!

Brian becomes famous. People see him in Portland. They smile.

Now Brian does something new. He delivers Unipiper Birthday-grams! He dresses as Darth Vader in a kilt. He comes to your house with his bagpipes, unicycle, and sometimes fire. He rides the unicycle on your street and plays the bagpipes. You watch from your house, lawn, or driveway.

The special Unipiper Birthday-gram costs $250.