Oregonians must wear masks in indoor public places

(JULY 4, 2020) Oregon has a new law. People must wear face coverings in indoor public places. The new law began Wednesday, July 1.

The coronavirus causes COVID-19. More than 9,000 people in Oregon are sick. Many people get better. However, more than 200 died this year.

Governor Kate Brown wants people to wear face coverings. They slow the coronavirus. Everyone must wear masks. She tells people: If we do not wear masks, businesses will close again.

“Masks to Be Required throughout Oregon Starting Wednesday.” AP NEWS, 29 June 2020, apnews.com/04a44cf29a9897061a49319d1badf147. Accessed 3 July 2020.
“Oregon Notches 2nd Straight Day of Record COVID-19 Cases.” AP NEWS, 2 July 2020, apnews.com/dcf15df13a11b5b0ae6ea74ab88c6aa2. Accessed 3 July 2020.
“Oregon Thought It Had Controlled COVID-19, Then Came Surge.” AP NEWS, 3 July 2020, apnews.com/cd3fa89e0a4098f216a8ffbd526c7eec. Accessed 3 July 2020.
VanderHart, Dirk. “Oregon Governor Extends State of Emergency For 60 Days.” Www.Opb.Org, 1 July 2020, www.opb.org/news/article/live-updates-oregon-washington-coronavirus-covid-19-june-30/. Accessed 3 July 2020.
"ESOL News Oregon by Timothy Krause is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. except where noted.